1s & 2s—Sing with Microphones
Bible Story: Hezekiah and the People Worshiped 2 Chronicles 29
Life Point: People at church sing and play music to worship God.
Weekly Verse: The people worshiped God. 2 Chronicles 29:30
Materials: Teaching Picture 10, toy microphones, Music
- Sit in the floor near the Music. Cue the Music to a song about God.
- Offer a microphone to a preschooler to sing into. Play the song and sing with the song to encourage the preschooler to sing.
- Show the Teaching Picture. Comment that people at church sing and play music to worship God. Lead the preschoolers to say the Weekly Verse with you.
3–Pre-K— Drive Cars
Bible Story: Hezekiah and the People Worshiped 2 Chronicles 29
Life Point: People at church sing and play music to worship God.
Weekly Verse: The people worshiped God. 2 Chronicles 29:30
Materials: Teaching Picture 10, wooden blocks, toy cars
- Display the Teaching Picture with the blocks and cars.
- Tell the Bible story as children build and drive cars. Comment that Hezekiah was a good king; the people were happy to have the temple repaired, so they sang to worship God.
- Ask the children how they came to church today. Say that we can sing to God at church.
- Lead children in saying the Weekly Verse together.
Kindergarten—Make a Mobile
Bible Story: Hezekiah and the People Worshiped 2 Chronicles 29
Life Point: People at church sing and play music to worship God.
Weekly Verse: The people worshiped God. 2 Chronicles 29:30
Materials: Bible, large geometric shapes cut from different colors of construction paper, markers or gel pens, hole punch, yarn, wooden or plastic embroidery hoops
- Mark the Weekly Verse in the Bible with a paper shape. Print the Life Point and the Weekly Verse on separate papers. Cut yarn into 12- to 15-inch lengths.
- Briefly tell the Bible story as kids show interest in the activity. Comment that the people sang, played music, and worshiped God.
- Read the Life Point and the Weekly Verse from the papers. Tell kids they can make a mobile using the paper shapes. Guide kids to print one or two words of either the Life Point or Weekly Verse on separate shapes. Kids can punch a hole in each shape and tie a length of yarn in the hole. Assist in laying the other ends of the yarn across one part of the hoop. Add two more pieces of yarn for a hanger. After you assemble the two hoops, tie together the ends of the yarn.
- Encourage kids to put the mobile in their rooms to remind them how they can worship God.
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