1s & 2s— Use Play Dough
Bible Story: The Church Chose Helpers Acts 6:1-7
Life Point: People at church are helpers.
Weekly Verse: God placed leaders and teachers in the church. 1 Corinthians 12:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, play dough, cookie cutters, small rolling pins (optional)
- Display the teaching picture on a table with the play dough. Give each child a lump of play dough. Encourage preschoolers to flatten he play dough and cut it with the cookie cutters.
- Tell the Bible story as the preschoolers play. Show the special men in the teaching picture. Comment that people at church are helpers. Talk about some helpers at your church. Say the Weekly Verse to the preschoolers.
3–Pre-K— Work Food Puzzles
Bible Story: The Church Chose Helpers Acts 6:1-7
Life Point: People at church are helpers.
Weekly Verse: God placed leaders and teachers in the church. 1 Corinthians 12:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, various puzzles featuring food
- Display the teaching picture near the puzzles.
- Invite boys and girls to work the puzzles. Tell the Bible story as the children work.
- Show the teaching picture and point to the seven men. Remind the children that one job the men had was to make sure the widows had enough food to each. Say that people at church are helpers.
- Say the Weekly Verse with the children. Pray, thanking God for people at church that help others.
Kindergarten— Work in a Pretend Food Pantry
Bible Story: The Church Chose Helpers Acts 6:1-7
Life Point: People at church are helpers.
Weekly Verse: God placed leaders and teachers in the church. 1 Corinthians 12:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, boxes, empty food containers, play food
- Set up one area of the room as a food pantry.
- Tell the Bible story as kids join the activity. Show the teaching picture and comment that the seven men were chosen to help others in the church. Say that people at church are helpers.
- Suggest that kids could pretend to pack boxes of food for people in need. Remark that many churches have a food pantry that helps people.
- Talk about people in your church who help and serve others. Say the Weekly Verse together.
I am just looking these helps up for the first time. I have always taught kids different ways to physically act out parts of the lesson. Today I brought a grocery sack with real foods to be put in bags by the kids to dispense to the widows in our pretend groups. My husband is my helper today and he has traveled for years to Haiti and now Honduras. He will tell them some real life experiences of people who are very poor as we bag up things for the widows . This still teaches the main idea of the lesson with very real life experiences in the daily life of people. He happens to be a minister and oversees one of the local pantries in our town.
Thank you for sharing with me and for teaching children! How wonderful that kids were able to hear about ways God is working through the people in Haiti and Honduras! I love to hear from the churches we serve so feel free to reach out anytime!