Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: Jesus Helped a Man Walk
The man who was paralyzed needed to be healed. First, Jesus forgave the man’s sins. Jesus showed that He can forgive sins because He is God. Then Jesus healed the man so he could walk. Jesus has the power to heal and to forgive sins.
Unit 1, Session 2: Jesus Calmed the Storm
Jesus did miracles to help people believe that He is the Son of God. Jesus has power over everything, and anyone who believes in Him will live with Him forever.
Unit 1, Session 3: Jesus Helped the Fishermen
When Jesus first called the disciples, He promised to make them fishers of men. Instead of catching fish, they would tell people about Jesus. (Luke 5:1-11) Jesus is the Lord who forgives us and makes things right again.
Unit 1, Session 4: Jesus Made a Man Hear
Jesus healed a man by making him hear. It was a miracle! Jesus healed people from physical sickness, but more than that, He heals people from spiritual sickness. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that we can be forgiven of our sin and have eternal life with God.
Unit 2, Session 1: B-PK: God Made the World K: God Created the World
The Bible says that Jesus is Lord over all of creation. He was there at the beginning of creation, and everything was created by Him and for Him. Jesus has always existed, and He holds everything together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
Unit 2, Session 2: (B-PK) God Made Animals;
Jesus is Lord over everything. Everything, including all the animals, was created by Him and for Him. Jesus holds everything together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
Unit 2, Session 3: (B-PK) God Made People; (K) Adam and Eve Chose
B-PK: God created people in His own image. Adam was like God in some ways, but he was not exactly like God. God sent His Son, Jesus, to show us exactly what God is like. (Colossians 1:15) Jesus is exactly like God because He is God. (Hebrews 1:3)
K: After Adam and Eve, everybody has sinned. Sin keeps us from God, but it won’t keep God from us. He loves us anyway, and He promised that someone from Eve’s family would take away sin. God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue people from sin and bring them back to God.
Unit 2, Session 4: Noah Built an Ark
God sent a flood to punish the world for sin, but God rescued Noah and his family. Later, there was an even greater rescue! Jesus came to save people from sin. If we trust in Jesus, He saves us from the punishment for our sin.
Unit 3, Session 1: The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea
Moses led God’s people out of Egypt, and God helped them get away by crossing the Red Sea. Moses was a great leader, but the Bible says that Jesus is greater than Moses. Jesus leads people away from sin so they can live with God forever.
Unit 3, Session 2: (B-2) David Played for King Saul; (3-K) David Faced Goliath
B-2: King Saul offered a sacrifice that only the priest was allowed to give. God rejected Saul as king, but He had a plan to send His Son, Jesus. King Jesus never sinned, and He gave His life as the perfect sacrifice for us.
3-K: David did not look like someone who could beat a giant. But David trusted God, and God gave David power. Jesus did not look like someone who could save people either. But when Jesus died and came back to life, He showed His power to rescue people from sin.
Unit 3, Session 3: A Widow’s Oil Multiplied
God provided everything the Widow, Elijah, and her son needed, and God has provided everything we could possible need. He gave us the greatest gift—His own Son. Jesus gave everything He had—even His very own life—to save us from sin. Because of Jesus, we can be kind and giving to others.
Unit 3, Session 4: (B-2) Daniel Prayed to God (3-K) Three Men Delivered from the Fiery Furnace
B-2: God saved Daniel from the lions. God is powerful! God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from something more dangerous than lions. Jesus rescues us from sin and death.
3-K: God saved Daniel’s friends from a fire. Jesus came to save us in an even better way. Jesus died so we wouldn’t be punished for our sin. He was punished instead. When we know and love Jesus, Jesus saves us so we can be with God forever.
Unit 3, Session 5: God Healed Naaman
Naaman was sick. He had a problem with his skin. When Naaman washed in the river, his skin got better. We are all sick with a sin problem. No one can obey God all the time. When we trust in Jesus, He heals us. God forgives us and makes us well.
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