Unit 1: God Helps Me
Session 1: Peter and John Preached (6/02/2019)
Session 2: The Church Began (6/09/2019)
Session 3: The Church Chose Helpers (6/16/2019)
Session 4: Philip and the Ethiopian (6/23/2019)
Session 5: Saul Told About Jesus (6/30/2019)
Unit 2: Go and Tell
Session 1: Peter and Cornelius (7/07/2019)
Session 2: The Antioch Church Helped (7/14/2019)
Session 3: People Prayed for Peter (7/21/2019)
Session 4: Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus (7/28/2019)
Unit 3: Learn About Jesus
Session 1: Lydia Learned About Jesus (8/04/2019)
Session 2: Paul Taught in Athens (8/11/2019)
Session 3: Priscilla and Aquila Learned About Jesus (8/18/2019)
Session 4: Paul Taught in Rome (8/25/2019)
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