Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week. (Statements marked with SB are used for Special Buddies Curriculum.)
Unit 1, Session 1: Jesus Read the Scroll (SB)
Long before Jesus was born, Isaiah the prophet talked about God’s plan to send Jesus to earth. Jesus would bring good news and help people who were hurting. Jesus read Isaiah’s words. Jesus said that He is the One God promised to send.
Unit 1, Session 2: Jesus Taught About God’s Care
Jesus taught people that God cares for them, so people shouldn’t worry about things like food or clothes. He will provide. One way God provided was by sending Jesus to save people from sin.
Unit 1, Session 3: Jesus Healed a Woman
Jesus healed a woman from her earthly sickness, but He does even more than that. Jesus heals all people who believe in Him from sins. He paid what we owe God. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin—all of it!
Unit 1, Session 4: Jesus Told About a Loving Father (SB)
Jesus told a story about a son who was lost to his father. Jesus told this story to teach about how much God loves people. Jesus was sent by God to save people from their sins. Jesus showed how much God loves people.
Unit 1, Session 5: Jesus Taught About Giving
God has provides everything we need. He gave us the greatest gift—His own Son. Jesus gave everything He had—even His very own life—to save us from sin. Because of Jesus, we can be kind and giving to others.
Unit 2, Session 1: The Crowd Welcomed Jesus (SB)
The people were happy to see Jesus. They knew He was their King. Jesus came riding on a donkey, just as the prophet Zechariah said He would. (Zechariah 9:9) One day, Jesus will come back, riding on a white horse as King over everything. (Revelation 19:11)
Unit 2, Session 2: (B-2) Jesus Helped Friends; (3-K) Jesus is Alive
B-2: Jesus loved and helped His friends and taught them to love and help one another. Jesus loved and helped us by doing for us what we could never do. Jesus is our King who died on the cross to rescue us from our sin.
3-K: Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but He rose from the dead and is alive! God raised Jesus from the dead to be the King over everything. Jesus rescues us from sin and promises that we will live forever with Him.
Unit 2, Session 3: Two Men Met Jesus
We know that Jesus is alive because many people saw Him after He was raised from the dead, just like these two men from Emmaeus. Jesus was dead but is now alive! People told about Jesus, and we can tell what we know about Jesus, too.
Unit 2, Session 4: Peter Preached About Jesus
God sent the Holy Spirit just as He promised to help his friends, like Peter, preach about Him. The Holy Spirit helps us know that Jesus is God’s Son and do God’s work.
Unit 3, Session 1: Paul and Barnabas Became Missionaries
Paul and Barnabas faced many people who rejected the good news about Jesus. They also met many who believed in Jesus when they shared of Him. The church grew, and the gospel was shared so that people all over the world could be saved from their sin by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Unit 3, Session 2: Paul Listened to God
Paul obeyed the Holy Spirit and shared the gospel with anyone who would listen. People tried to stop Paul, but Paul did not give up. Many people believed in Jesus, and the church grew. The Holy Spirit wants us to tell others about Jesus so they can be saved from their sin.
Unit 3, Session 3: Paul Taught in Athens (SB)
Paul taught the people in Athens about the one true God. He told them that Jesus died on the cross and is alive! People can know God because Jesus brings us into God’s family.
Unit 3, Session 4: Paul and Silas Sang to God
When Paul preached the Gospel, he sometimes encountered people who were angry with him and put him in danger. Even when Paul faced dangerous situations, He worshiped God, just like Jesus did.
Unit 3, Session 5: Peter Told Cornelius About God
God helped Peter understand that the good news about Jesus is for everyone. God wants believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus no matter who they are or what they do. Jesus is the Lord of all.
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