1s & 2s— Play with Musical Toys
Bible Story: David Built the Tent Church 1 Chronicles 15:1-4,11-12,14-28; 16:1-23
Life Point: People show God’s love when they help others worship God.
Weekly Verse: Love God with all your heart, and love others. Luke 10:27
Materials: Bible, musical toys or rhythm instruments, Music
- Arrange the toys near the music player. Invite toddlers to play with the music.
- Tell the Bible story. Comment that David worshiped God when he build the tent church.
- Open the Bible and say the Weekly Verse. Help each child point to the Bible verse as she repeats it.
3–Pre-K— Wave Scarves to Music
Bible Story: David Built the Tent Church 1 Chronicles 15:1-4,11-12,14-28; 16:1-23
Life Point: People show God’s love when they help others worship God.
Weekly Verse: Love God with all your heart, and love others. Luke 10:27
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, scarves, Music
- Sit on the floor near the music player with the scarves and the Teaching Picture.
- As children join you, tell the Bible story and show the Teaching Picture. Comment David showed God’s love by building the tent church and helping the people worship.
- Play a song and guide the children to wave scarves to the music. In between songs, say the Weekly Verse and encourage the children to repeat it.
Kindergarten— Make a Fabric Collage
Bible Story: David Spared Saul 1 Samuel 24
Life Point: People show God’s love when they respect others.
Weekly Verse: Love God with all your heart, and love others. Luke 10:27
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, fabric scraps cut into small pieces, glue sticks, paper
- Arrange the materials on the art table.
- Show the Teaching Picture and talk about the Bible story as kids come to the center.
- Invite kids to make a collage with the fabric pieces. As they work, mention that David cut off a piece of Saul’s robe, but did not harm him. David did not harm Saul because Saul was God’s chosen king for the people. God still loved Saul, even though he had made wrong choices.
- Tell kids that people show God’s love when they respect others. Talk about ways kindergartners can respect others.
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