1s & 2s— Play with Family Figures and Blocks
Bible Story: God Helped Isaac Genesis 24; 25:19-26
Life Point: God helps people.
Weekly Verse: God is good to us. Psalm 73:1
Materials: Bible, paper strip, plastic or wooden family figures, cardboard blocks
- Mark the verse in the Bible with the paper strip. Lay the Bible with the family figures and blocks.
- As children play and build, talk about the Bible story. Comment that God helped Isaac.
- Open the Bible and read the verse. Thank God that He helps people.
3–Pre-K— Play Out Family Situations
Bible Story: God Helped Isaac Genesis 24; 25:19-26
Life Point: God helps people.
Weekly Verse: God is good to us. Psalm 73:1
Materials: Bible, toy dishes, dress-up clothes, purses
- Place the Bible, dress-up clothes, and toy dishes in the homeliving center.
- Invite children to dress up and pretend to be different family members. Ask what mommies and daddies do to help their families.
- Open the Bible and tell the Bible story. Say the Weekly Verse.
- Comment that God helped Isaac to have a family. Thank God for helping people.
Kindergarten— Form Letters with Dry Cereal
Bible Story: God Helped Isaac Genesis 24; 25:19-26
Life Point: God helps people.
Weekly Verse: God is good to us. Psalm 73:1
Materials: Bible, Allergy Alert, paper, dry oat cereal, marker, small ziplock bags
- List the cereal on the allergy alert and post the alert by the door. Print the letters H, E, L, and P on squares of paper. Place a handful of cereal into each ziplock bag.
- Invite a kindergartner to choose a bag of cereal and used to pieces to form letters. He may want to place the cereal on the letter’s lines on the paper or form the letter separately on the table. When he tires of forming the letters, he can eat the cereal.
- Encourage children to put the letters in order to spell the word help. Tell the Bible story and talk about ways God helped Isaac. Open the Bible and read the Weekly Verse.
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