1s & 2s—Move to Music
Bible Story: Jonathan Helped David 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20
Life Point: People can love their friends.
Weekly Verse: A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17
Materials: Bible, non-breakable mirrors, music
- Begin playing music and invite the children to move with you. March around the room, changing the action as the music changes. Older 2s can hold hands with a friend and jump up and down.
- Sit on the floor with the children and look on mirrors. Hold a mirror so a child can see himself. Encourage older preschoolers find friends in the mirror. Give the children opportunities to talk about their friends. Thank God for friends.
- Talk about the Bible story. Comment that David and Jonathan loved each other. Open the Bible to the Proverbs 17:17 and point to the Bible verse as you say it.
3–Pre-K— Play Instruments
Bible Story: Jonathan Helped David 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20
Life Point: People can love their friends.
Weekly Verse: A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 11, variety of musical instruments, music
- Invite the boys and girls to experiment with the different sounds the instruments make. Play a song and guide them to play along with the song.
- Suggest that the children trade instruments with their friends to play with a new song.
- Show the teaching picture as you tell the Bible story. Open the Bible to Proverbs 17:17 and say the Weekly Verse. Direct the children to repeat the verse with you.
Kindergarten— Paint with a Friend
Bible Story: Jonathan Helped David 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20
Life Point: People can love their friends.
Weekly Verse: A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17
Materials: paper; two colors of paint in bowls; two marbles; spoons; round container with lid, such as an oatmeal box
- Cut the paper to fit the inside of the box. Put some paint, a spoon, and a marble in each bowl.
- Guide kids to choose a friend with whom to paint.
- Help one child to fit a piece of paper into the round container, then lay it on its side.
- Assist in spooning a marble from each bowl onto the paper and putting on the lid.
- Direct the friends to gently roll the container across the table to one another. After five or six rolls, remove the lid and the paper. Continue for the second friend.
- As kids roll the container talk about the Bible story. Comment that people can love their friends. Ask the two friends to repeat the Weekly Verse with you.
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