1s & 2s—Read Books
Bible Story: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Life Point: Families can show love for Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “You are my friends.” John 15:14
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 12, books about families and Jesus
- Arrange the Bible, Teaching Picture, and books in a quiet area of the room. Sit with a preschooler and look at the books together. Offer to read a book to the child.
- Show the Teaching Picture and tell the Bible story. Say that Mary and Martha showed love to Jesus. Comment that families can show love to Jesus.
- Open the Bible to John 15:14 and say the Weekly Verse.
- Social Distancing Tip: Invite one preschooler at a time to the activity. Disinfect the books after she touches them.
3–Pre-K—Talk on Phones
Bible Story: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Life Point: Families can show love for Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “You are my friends.” John 15:14
Materials: Teaching Picture 12, several toy telephones
- Display the Teaching Picture with the telephones.
- Point to the Teaching Picture and comment that Mary and Martha loved Jesus and showed love for Him. Say that families can show love for Jesus.
- Invite kids to talk on phones. Encourage them to pretend to call a family member and tell that person about Jesus. Help the children think of other ways to show love to Jesus.
- Social Distancing Tip: Allow only two children at a time to play with the phones. Disinfect after each use.
Kindergarten— Look Through Binoculars
Bible Story: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus John 11:1-44
Life Point: Families can trust Jesus together.
Weekly Verse: Jesus, I know you are the Son of God. John 11:27
Materials: Teaching Picture 12 and other pictures of Jesus, small cardboard tubes, tape, yarn
- Tape 2 cardboard tubes together. Punch a hole in the outside of each tube Thread a length of yarn through the holes and tie them together to make a strap. Make several pairs of binoculars. Tape the Teaching Picture and other pictures of Jesus around the room
- Invite kids to use the binoculars to find the pictures of Jesus. When a child finds today’s Teaching Picture, talk about the Bible story. Comment that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were a family and they were friends of Jesus; they trusted Jesus and Jesus loved them.
- Invite kids to tell you what they know about the other pictures of Jesus.
- Social Distancing Tip: Make a pair of binoculars for each child. Allow them to take them home at the end of the session.
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