1s & 2s— Find Pictures in the Bible
Bible Story: Moses Spoke to Families Deuteronomy 4–6
Life Point: Family members can read the Bible and talk about God.
Weekly Verse: Teach God’s words to your children. Deuteronomy 6:7
Materials: Teaching Picture 11, Read to Me Bible for Kids, paper strips
- Use the paper strips to mark today’s verse and several pictures of Bible families in the Read to Me Bible for Kids. (Possible pictures: Joseph’s Family; Ruth’s Family; Jesus’ Family; Mary and Martha; Timothy’s Family.)
- Invite a preschooler to open the Bible to the marked pages. Talk about how each family loved God. Read the verse.
- Show the Teaching Picture. Say that families can read the Bible and talk about God.
3–Pre-K— Play with Family Figures
Bible Story: Moses Spoke to Families Deuteronomy 4–6
Life Point: Family members can read the Bible and talk about God.
Weekly Verse: Teach God’s words to your children. Deuteronomy 6:7
Materials: Teaching Picture 11, plastic or wooden family figures, wooden blocks
- Place the Teaching Picture and family figures with the blocks.
- Suggest that the kids could build a house or a church for the family.
- Show the Teaching Picture and talk about the Bible story. Say that families can read the Bible and talk about God.
- Pray, thanking God for families that read the Bible and learn about God.
Kindergarten— Play with Alphabet Beads and Lace Letters
Bible Story: Moses Spoke to Families Deuteronomy 4–6
Life Point: Family members can read the Bible and talk about God.
Weekly Verse: Teach God’s words to your children. Deuteronomy 6:7
Materials: Teaching Picture 11, large wooden or plastic alphabet beads, several jumbo foam letters for lacing, laces, plastic dishpan, paper, marker
- Print Moses and God on pieces of paper. Pour the alphabet beads into the dishpan. Lay the lacing letters, laces, and words nearby. Display the Teaching Picture.
- Invite a child to play with the alphabet beads. Prompt her to find the bead to spell her name. Challenge her to spell the words you printed.
- Point to the Teaching Picture and talk about the Bible story. Comment that Moses told the people to teach their children about God.
- Talk about ways kids learn about God at home. Say that families can read the Bible and talk about God. Lead kids to say the Weekly Verse together.
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