1s & 2s—Touch Water
Bible Story: Baby Moses Exodus 1:8–2:10
Life Point: Family members should care for and protect one another.
Weekly Verse: Take care of your family. 1 Timothy 12:18
Materials: Teaching Picture 10, towels, plastic dishpan, water
- Put 2-3 inches of water in the dishpan. Set the dishpan on a towel on the floor.
- Invite a preschooler to touch the water. Tell the Bible story as she play. Say that Moses’ mother put him in a basket near the river; the baby’s sister, Miriam, watched to keep the baby safe.
- Show the Teaching Picture. Help a child point to Moses in the picture.
- Social Distancing Tip: Allow one preschooler at a time to touch the water. Help her wash her hands before and after the activity.
3–Pre-K—Wash Dolls
Bible Story: Baby Moses Exodus 1:8–2:10
Life Point: Family members should care for and protect one another.
Weekly Verse: Take care of your family. 1 Timothy 12:18
Materials: Teaching Picture 10, vinyl doll, dishpan, water, washcloth, towel
- Put 1 inch of water in the dishpan. Place it on a low table or the floor with the towel and washcloth. Prop the Teaching Picture nearby.
- Invite a preschooler to wash the baby. Talk about ways that families care for babies. Say the Weekly Verse.
- Point to the Teaching Picture and talk about the Bible story. Comment that Moses’ family cared for him and kept him safe. Thank God for families.
- Social Distancing Tip: Allow only one child at a time to participate in the activity. Or provide more than one dishpan and doll. Direct the children to wash their hands before and after the activity.
Kindergarten— Paint with Watercolors
Bible Story: Baby Moses Exodus 1:8–2:10
Life Point: Family members should care for and protect one another.
Weekly Verse: Take care of your family. 1 Timothy 12:18
Materials: Teaching Picture 10, watercolor paints, paintbrushes, cups of water, paper, painting smocks, marker
- Place the Teaching Picture in the center of the art table. Print the Weekly Verse at the top of a paper for each child.
- Invite a kindergartner to put on a smock and use the paints to create a picture.
- As children paint, talk about the Bible story. Point to the picture of Moses in his basket. Comment that family members should care for and protect one another. Say that Moses’ family protected him from Pharaoh.
- Point out the verse and say it together.
- Social Distancing Tip: Allow only two kids at the table at a time. Provide enough paintbrushes so that each child can have a clean one when he paints.
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