1s & 2s—Shine a Flashlight
Bible Story: Saul Taught About Jesus Acts 9:1-22
Life Point: People can choose to obey Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Paul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 8, flashlight, tape
- Tape the teaching picture to a wall at the children’s eye level. Sit near the picture, holding the Bible and the flashlight.
- When a child is interested, open the Bible to Acts 9 and begin telling the Bible story. Shine the flashlight on different parts of the picture as you pause in the story.
- Allow preschoolers to take turns shining the flashlight on the picture or other objects in the room as you say the Weekly Verse. Say that Saul obeyed Jesus.
3–Pre-K— Work People Puzzles
Bible Story: Saul Taught About Jesus Acts 9:1-22
Life Point: People can choose to obey Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Paul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, wooden puzzles featuring people
- Display the teaching picture with the puzzles.
- Invite a few children to work the puzzles. Tell the Bible story as the children work. Show the teaching picture. Comment that people can obey Jesus. Say that Paul obeyed Jesus by telling others about Him.
- Say the Weekly Verse together. Talk about ways the children can obey Jesus.
Kindergarten—Explore Other Cultures
Bible Story: Saul Taught About Jesus Acts 9:1-22
Life Point: People can choose to obey Jesus.
Weekly Verse: Paul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, Bibles in other languages, books about other cultures, cookbooks from other countries
- Display the materials. Mark the Weekly Verse in an English Bible and in any other Bibles you may have.
- Invite kindergartners to explore the books. Comment that people all over the world can choose to obey Jesus.
- Display the teaching picture and tell the Bible story. Comment that Paul obeyed Jesus by telling people about Jesus, God’s Son. Tell kids that missionaries today travel to many different countries to tell people about God’s Son, Jesus.
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