1s & 2s— Play with a Doctor’s Kit
Bible Story: Jesus Helped a Man Born Blind John 9
Life Point: Jesus taught about God’s love by helping people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus traveled to the towns, helping people and healing the sick. Matthew 9:5
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, toy doctor’s kit
- Place the doctor’s kit with the Teaching Picture.
- When preschoolers show interest in the doctor’s kit, explain how each part is used. Talk about times when they have visited a doctor.
- Point to the Teaching Picture and comment that Jesus helped a man be able to see. Say that Jesus taught about God’s love by helping people. Say the Weekly Verse as preschoolers continue to play.
3–Pre-K— Pretend to Visit a Doctor’s Office
Bible Story: Jesus Helped a Man Born Blind John 9
Life Point: Jesus taught about God’s love by helping people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus traveled to the towns, helping people and healing the sick. Matthew 9:5
Materials: toy doctor’s kit, small scrub tops or jackets, clipboards and paper, pencils, doll
- Arrange the dramatic play area with a table and a few chairs. Place the doctor’s kit, clipboards, and pencils on the table. Lay the scrub tops on a chair.
- Invite the children to play in the center. Suggest one child could be the doctor, one could be a nurse, and others could be patients. Encourage taking turns being doctor and nurse. Comment that they can doctor the doll, too.
- Tell the Bible story as they play. Remark that helped people so they would learn about God’s love. Say the Weekly Verse and lead the children to repeat it with you.
Kindergarten— Look at Braille
Bible Story: Jesus Helped a Man Born Blind John 9
Life Point: Jesus taught about God’s love by helping people.
Weekly Verse: Jesus traveled to the towns, helping people and healing the sick. Matthew 9:5
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, sturdy cardboard pieces, white glue, marker, paper, pencils or crayons, Braille card (optional)
- Use the white glue to make raised dots on the cardboard. Use a Braille alphabet as a guide. (You can find a Braille alphabet card on google.com.) Spell the words Jesus and help. Print the letters below the raised dots. Let the dots dry overnight.
- Place the cards with the Teaching Picture and other materials. Point out the blind man in the picture. Explain that blind which means not being able to see.
- Show the cards you made and read each word. Comment that blind people can read using Braille, which is an alphabet of raised dots. Encourage him to rub his fingers over the dots.
- Some boys and girls may wish to make a rubbing of the dots onto a piece of paper. Some children may wish to spell their own words with Braille dots by following a Braille card.
- Talk about the Bible story as children work. Say the Life Point and Weekly Verse.
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