1s & 2s—Eat a Snack
Bible Story: Jesus Taught About God’s Care Matthew 5:1-2; 6:25-34
Life Point: Jesus taught that God cares for people.
Weekly Verse: God knows what you need. Matthew 6:8
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 6, crackers, water, cups, napkins, allergy alert sign
- Post the allergy sign to notify parents of the activity.
- Invite a few children to sit with you at a table. Give each child two crackers and a cup of water.
- Show the Teaching Picture and tell the Bible story as children enjoy the snack. Open the Bible to Matthew 6 and say the Weekly Verse.
- Remember to thank God for the snack.
3–Pre-K— Scoop Birdseed
Bible Story: Jesus Taught About God’s Care Matthew 5:1-2; 6:25-34
Life Point: Jesus taught that God cares for people.
Weekly Verse: God knows what you need. Matthew 6:8
Materials: Teaching Picture 6, dishpan with birdseed (no pepper), scoops and cups, drop cloth
- Place the container of birdseed on the drop cloth on the floor. Place the cups and scoops and the Teaching Picture nearby.
- As children scoop the birdseed talk about the Bible story. Point to the Teaching Picture. Comment that Jesus God cares for you more than He cares for the birds.
- Say the Weekly Verse and lead the children to repeat it with you. Say that Jesus taught that God cares for people.
Kindergarten— Make a Bible Marker
Bible Story: Jesus Taught About God’s Care Matthew 5:1-2; 6:25-34
Life Point: Jesus taught that God cares for people.
Weekly Verse: God knows what you need. Matthew 6:8
Materials: Teaching Picture 6, clear contact plastic, labels printed with the Life Point, flower petals, bowls
- Cut clear contact plastic into 3-by-8-inch pieces. Each kid will need 2 pieces. Pull the petals off several flowers and place them in several bowls. (Mums, daisies, pansies, or other flowers with small petals work well for this activity.)
- Peel the backing off the plastic. Tape it to the table, sticky side up. Show kids how to stick the flower petals on the plastic. Then they can put labels with the Life Point on their pieces. Help kids cover their markers with another piece of plastic. Trim the edges, if needed.
- Tell the Bible story as the kids work. Point to the Teaching Picture and remark that Jesus taught that God cares for people. Say the Weekly Verse with the kids.
- Encourage kids to put their markers in a Bible or somewhere else to remind them of God’s care.
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