1s & 2s—Rock a Baby Doll
Bible Story: Prophets Told About a Special Baby Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2
Life Point: Men wrote that God would send a special baby to be born.
Weekly Verse: God will send a child to be born. Isaiah 7:14
Materials: Bible, Teaching Picture 1, baby doll, blanket
- Wrap the baby doll in a blanket. Give to a preschooler to rock.
- Open the Bible and tell the Bible story as the child holds the doll. Say that men wrote in the Bible that God would send a special child to be born.
- Show the Teaching Picture as you continue to talk about men writing about the special baby. Say the Weekly Verse and tell preschoolers that the special baby is Jesus.
3–Pre-K— Make a Bible Verse Banner
Bible Story: Prophets Told About a Special Baby Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2
Life Point: Men wrote that God would send a special baby to be born.
Weekly Verse: God will send a child to be born. Isaiah 7:14
Materials: Teaching Picture 1, construction paper, labels printed with the Weekly Verse, simple colored stickers, markers
- Cut the construction paper into 6-by-9-inch pieces. Allow each child to choose a color for his banner.
- Give each child a Weekly Verse sticker. Encourage him to decorate his banner with stickers and markers.
- Show the Teaching Picture and tell the Bible story as children work. Say the Life Point. Read the Life Verse. Tell boys and girls that the special baby is Jesus.
Kindergarten— Decorate an Offering Container
Bible Story: Prophets Told About a Special Baby Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Micah 5:2
Life Point: Men wrote that God would send a special baby to be born.
Weekly Verse: God will send a child to be born. Isaiah 7:14
Materials: Teaching Picture 1, small containers with lids (such as small chip cans or drink mix containers), craft knife (teacher’s use), construction paper, markers, glue sticks, stickers
- Before the session, use the craft knife to cut a coin-sized slit in the lid of each container.Print the Weekly Verse onto a paper. Cut a strip of construction paper that will fit around the can.
- Give each child a strip of paper. Encourage them to copy the Weekly Verse onto the paper and decorate with stickers. Help children glue the papers around their containers.
- Show the Teaching Picture and tell the Bible story as children decorate their cans. Say that men wrote in the Bible about a special baby, and that baby is Jesus.
- If your church contributes to a special Christmas offering, take some time to talk about that offering. Encourage the children to put money in their banks and bring them to church for the offering
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