1s & 2s—Pack Groceries
Bible Story: God Helped Noah Genesis 6:9–8:19; 9:8-17
Life Point: God cares for people and His world.
Weekly Verse: God made us and we are His. Psalm 100:3
Materials: Teaching Picture 13, grocery bags, empty food containers
- Prop the teaching picture near the other items.
- Invite preschoolers to pack the grocery items into bags. Tell the Bible story as they play. Say that Noah had to bring food on the ark for the animals and people.
- Point to the teaching picture and talk about Noah and his family. Comment that God cares for people and His world. Say the Weekly Verse.
3–Pre-K—Make Rain Art
Bible Story: God Helped Noah Genesis 6:9–8:19; 9:8-17
Life Point: God cares for people and His world.
Weekly Verse: God made us and we are His. Psalm 100:3
Materials: Teaching Picture 13, basket-style coffee filters, washable markers, spray bottles of water, trays or plates
- Display the teaching picture with the art materials.
- Give each child a coffee filter on a tray or plate. Encourage the children to draw with the markers. Tell the Bible story while children work.
- Show children how to lightly spray their coffee filters with water. They can watch the colors run together. (If they spray too much, the color will completely wash from the filter.)
- Comment that God cares for people and His world. Say the Weekly Verse together..
Kindergarten—Make Rainbows
Bible Story: God Helped Noah Genesis 6:9–8:19; 9:8-17
Life Point: God cares for people and His world.
Weekly Verse: God made us and we are His. Psalm 100:3
Materials: Teaching Picture 13; different types of paper in colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple; small pom-poms of the six colors; paper punches; paper plates; glue sticks; container for each color item
- Before the session, punch shapes from the paper. Put each color of items in a separate bowl. Cut the paper plates in half. Display the teaching picture with the art materials.
- Invite the kindergartners to make a rainbow by gluing the shapes and pom-poms onto the paper plate in the shape of a rainbow. Talk about the correct order of the colors. (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple [indigo, violet])
- Tell the Bible story and point to the teaching picture as the kids work. Remind them that the rainbow was God’s promise that He would never destroy the world again with a flood. Mention that God cares for people and His world. Say the Weekly Verse together.
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