1s & 2s—Talk on Telephones
Bible Story: The Rich Young Ruler Luke 18:18-23
Life Point: People should choose to love God.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “Love God with all your heart.” Matthew 22:37
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, toy telephones
- Prop the teaching picture near the telephones. Use a telephone to talk to one of the preschoolers. Say something like “I love God.”
- As preschoolers continue to play, tell the Bible story. Comment that Jesus talked to a man; the man loved his things more than God.
- Use a phone to say the Weekly verse to a child.
3–Pre-K—Draw Happy and Sad Faces
Bible Story: The Rich Young Ruler Luke 18:18-23
Life Point: People should choose to love God.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “Love God with all your heart.” Matthew 22:37
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, paper, markers, washable inkpads, different sized items that make circle prints (small tubes, empty pill bottles, small bowls or containers, and so forth)
- Show the teaching picture and talk about the Bible story. Ask the children how the man felt when he left. (sad)Ask children how they feel when they think about God and Jesus.
- Show children how to stamp circles onto their papers. Children can use markers to draw a happy or sad face in each circle. Offer to help print the Life Point on each child’s paper.
- Say the Weekly Verse together. Pray for the children to love God with all their hearts.
Kindergarten—Write with Chalk
Bible Story: The Rich Young Ruler Luke 18:18-23
Life Point: People should choose to love God.
Weekly Verse: Jesus said, “Love God with all your heart.” Matthew 22:37
Materials: Teaching Picture 4, colored chalk, dark construction paper, cups of water, paper with the Weekly Verse written on it
- Briefly tell the Bible story as kids come to the center. Point to the teaching picture and comment that the man loved his money more than God. Say that people should choose to love God.
- Encourage the kids to write or draw messages about God on their papers. Kids can dip one end of the chalk in the water before writing.
- Suggest kids can print or draw something they know about God, such as God loves people, God helps people, God sent Jesus, and so forth. Suggest they copy the Weekly Verse on their papers.
- As each child finishes, say the Weekly Verse with her.
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