1s & 2s—Work People Puzzles
Bible Story: Saul Encountered Jesus Acts 9:1-25
Life Point: People can do God’s work.
Weekly Verse: Saul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Teaching Picture 8, wooden puzzles featuring people
- Lay the Teaching Picture with the puzzles.
- Tell the Bible story as children work the puzzles. Point to Saul in the picture. Comment that Saul did God’s work by telling about Jesus.
- Talk about people in your church that do God’s work.
- Social Distancing Tip: Disinfect the puzzle pieces as children finish with them.
3–Pre-K— Play with a Dollhouse
Bible Story: Saul Encountered Jesus Acts 9:1-25
Life Point: People can do God’s work.
Weekly Verse: Saul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Bible, dollhouse, people figures, wooden blocks
- Set the dollhouse and figures with the blocks. Lay the Bible nearby.
- Tell the Bible story. Comment that Saul learned about Jesus and began to do God’s work by telling others.
- Open the Bible to Acts 9 and say the Bible verse. Help each child find Saul’s name in the Bible.
- Social Distancing Tip: Limit the number of children playing with the dollhouse. Disinfect the figures and furniture as children finish playing.
Kindergarten—Draw Blindfolded
Bible Story: Saul Encountered Jesus Acts 9:1-25
Life Point: People can do God’s work.
Weekly Verse: Saul spoke boldly about Jesus. Acts 9:28
Materials: Bible, paper, markers or crayons, blindfold
- Invite a child to draw on the paper while blindfolded. (If a child does not want to wear the blindfold, tell him he can close his eyes.)
- Talk about the Bible story as kids draw. Mention that Saul was blinded by the bright light, but God sent Ananias to help Saul.
- Open the Bible to Acts 9 and say the Bible verse. Help each kindergartner find verse 28 and point to the words as you say the verse together.
- Social Distancing Tip: Provide a different blindfold for each child. Give each child her own ziplock bag of markers to use during the session.
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