1s & 2s—Carry the Bible
Bible Story: Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
Life Point: God cares about people.
Weekly Verse: We have good news! God keeps His promises. Acts 13:32
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, small backpack or tote bag, paper strip
- Use the paper strip to mark the Weekly Verse in the Bible. Tuck the Bible into the backpack or the bag.
- Offer the bag to a preschooler to carry. Help her discover the Bible in the bag. Comment that we read in the Bible about Abraham and Sarah. Say that God cared for them and promised them a baby. God kept His promise!
- Help a child open the Bible to the marked. Point to the words as you say the verse.
3–Pre-K—Pack and Move
Bible Story: Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
Life Point: God cares about people.
Weekly Verse: We have good news! God keeps His promises. Acts 13:32
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, medium-size boxes, toy dishes, dress up clothes
- Place the boxes in a homeliving area with dishes and clothes. Display the Teaching Picture.
- Comment that God told Abraham to move to a new land and Abraham listened to God. Suggest the children pack the boxes and pretend to move to a new home.
- Continue to tell the Bible story. Remind the boys and girls that God made a promise to Abraham because He cares about people.
Kindergarten—Make a People Collage
Bible Story: Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; 18:9-15; 21:1-7
Life Point: God cares about people.
Weekly Verse: We have good news! God keeps His promises. Acts 13:32
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, pictures of people cut from catalogs or magazines, paper, glue sticks, markers
- Print the Life Point on a paper for each child. Display the Teaching Picture with the art materials.
- Tell the Bible story as the children make their collages. Comment that God made a promise to Abraham about his future children before he had any children; God kept His promise because He cares about people.
- Lead kids to say the Weekly Verse as they work.
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