1s & 2s— Play with Pans
Bible Story: A Widow Helped Elijah 1 Kings 17:1,8-16
Life Point: God helps people.
Weekly Verse: I am God; no one else is like Me. Isaiah 46:9
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, lightweight cake pans, loaf pans, muffin pans
- Encourage children to play with the pans. They might want to stack the pans or pat the pans to make sounds. As children play with the pans, talk about foods people bake in these pans—cakes, bread, cupcakes, muffins.
- Show the Teaching Picture and comment that the woman made bread for her family and for Elijah. Talk more about the Bible story.
- Tell the children that God helps people; God helped Elijah by making sure he had food. Pray, thanking God helping people.
3–Pre-K— Play a Game
Bible Story: A Widow Helped Elijah 1 Kings 17:1,8-16
Life Point: God can do all things.
Weekly Verse: I am God; no one else is like Me. Isaiah 46:9
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, Giant Game Floor Mat, pictures of food or food labels, beanbag
- Spread the game mat on the floor. Slide the pictures or labels into the pockets. Lay the Teaching Picture near the game mat.
- Invite a child to toss the beanbag onto a picture. Talk about the food that the beanbag lands on. Comment that God helped Elijah have food because God can do all things.
- Expand the game by calling out a description; children can stand on (or put a foot on) the picture described. Call out a specific food pictured and more general characteristics (color, tastes sweet, grows on a tree, and so forth).
- Show the Teaching Picture and talk about the Bible story. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Kindergarten— Experiment with Oil Art
Bible Story: A Widow Helped Elijah 1 Kings 17:1,8-16
Life Point: God can do all things.
Weekly Verse: I am God; no one else is like Me. Isaiah 46:9
Materials: Teaching Picture 7, olive oil or vegetable oil, small cups, cotton swabs, watercolor brushes, construction paper
- Explain to a child that he can use a cotton swab like a paintbrush by dipping it into the oil and drawing on the paper. Suggest using watercolor brushes to experiment with another idea for oil art. Talk about how the oil smells.
- Comment that the word oil is in the Bible story to help us know about the oil used for making bread. Mention that God knew they woman did not have much oil and flour, but made it last so Elijah, she, and her son could have food. Say that God can do all things.
- Tell kindergartners that you don’t know the name of the woman or her son, but the Bible story helps us know about the prophet Elijah. Children may enjoy printing the letters in Elijah’s name using the oil.
- Show the Teaching Picture and finish telling the Bible story. Say the Weekly Verse together.
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