I am a substitute teacher at Enduring Faith Fellowship in Eloy Az.
I am required to print my own printables. I need printables for unit 3, sessions 1-4.
Hello! To find the printables you need, click on here: https://biblestudiesforlife.lifeway.com/leader-extras-kids/
Then click on Enhanced CD Printables under the Kids Fall 2022 Extras. Then click on the age group that you need. There are different printables for each age group. The General Teaching Resources pdf under each age group has the printables for missions, coloring pages, and other resources that every age group uses. Please reach out if you have additional questions.
Thank you!
Lifeway bible studies is a great way for children to learn bible principles.
The stories are interesting and the activities are fun. They love the songs, cd’s and discussions could go on and on. I am new to this, but it’s been fun for me as well.
I am a substitute teacher at Enduring Faith Fellowship in Eloy Az.
I am required to print my own printables. I need printables for unit 3, sessions 1-4.
Hello! To find the printables you need, click on here: https://biblestudiesforlife.lifeway.com/leader-extras-kids/
Then click on Enhanced CD Printables under the Kids Fall 2022 Extras. Then click on the age group that you need. There are different printables for each age group. The General Teaching Resources pdf under each age group has the printables for missions, coloring pages, and other resources that every age group uses. Please reach out if you have additional questions.
Thank you!
Lifeway bible studies is a great way for children to learn bible principles.
The stories are interesting and the activities are fun. They love the songs, cd’s and discussions could go on and on. I am new to this, but it’s been fun for me as well.
Thank you for teaching children! I am glad that you are enjoying the curriculum we provide!