Use these statements to connect each session of Bible Studies for Life: Kids to Christ as you teach your children each week.
Unit 1, Session 1: God Prepared the Way for Jesus
John fulfilled Old Testament prophecy by coming to prepare the way for Jesus. He told everyone that Jesus was coming to be the Savior. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, He fulfilled God’s plan of redemption that God planned from the beginning of the world.
Unit 1, Session 2: Angels Told Good News
Jesus came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem. Jesus had earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, but His true Father is God. Through Jesus, God kept His promises to Abraham and David. Jesus saves people from their sin and adopts them into God’s family.
Unit 1, Session 3: Jesus Was Born
The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from sin and to be their King forever.
Unit 1, Session 4: Jesus Went to the Temple
Even as a child, Jesus wanted to do His Father’s plan. As Jesus grew up, He became strong and wise. God blessed Jesus as He got ready to follow His Father’s plan: to die on the cross and rescue people from sin.
Unit 2, Session 1: Jesus Healed Bartimaeus
Jesus loved and paid attention to all types of people: children, the blind, the lame, women, the poor, and the outcasts. God calls believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus is the Lord of all.
Unit 2, Session 2: Jesus Taught a Samaritan Woman
Jesus offered the woman something no one else could give her—living water. Jesus wasn’t talking about water that she could physically drink; Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit who would satisfy her spiritual thirst. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who come to Him by faith.
Unit 2, Session 3: Stephen Preached
Stephen faced difficulties because he was a Christian, but He was not alone. Jesus was crucified, and He told His followers that they would be persecuted—hated, hurt, or even killed—for loving Him. Jesus also said that those who suffer for Him would be blessed. (Matthew 5:11) We can face suffering in this life because Jesus suffered first. He died and then rose again, and He is waiting for us in heaven.
Unit 2, Session 4: Saul Encountered Jesus
Jesus appeared to Saul and changed him inside and out. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus called Saul, also known as Paul, who was once an enemy to Christians, to spend the rest of his life telling people the gospel and leading them to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Unit 2, Session 5: Paul Wrote to Timothy
Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to remind him of the important work he had in leading the church. Paul reminded Timothy that the most important work of the church is telling people about Jesus and helping them to trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Unit 3, Session 1: Solomon Built the Temple
Because God is holy, only the priests could approach God—and only if they followed specific instructions. Ordinary people had no direct access to the holy presence of God. Jesus changed all that. By His death on the cross, Jesus took away our sin. We can approach God intimately and individually when we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Unit 3, Session 2: The Early Church Chose Helpers
The apostles believed that everyone in the church had an important job to do to serve God’s people and help spread the gospel. Jesus wants us to serve others so that the message of His death and resurrection can be heard and believed all over the world.
Unit 3, Session 3: An Ethiopian Was Baptized
The Ethiopian official knew what the Old Testament prophets had said, but he did not understand that the prophets spoke about Jesus. The Holy Spirit led Philip to help the official understand the good news about Jesus and baptize him. Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It reminds us that when we trust in Jesus, we turn from sin and start a new life—a life lived for Jesus.
Unit 3, Session 4: Paul Wrote About the Lord’s Supper
Nothing we do is enough to pay the debt we owe God and take away God’s punishment for our sins. At the Passover, Jesus shared His last meal with the disciples before His death and resurrection. Jesus said that His death would establish a new covenant. God’s people had broken the old covenant, and God promised to make a new covenant to forgive sins. God forgives the sins of those who trust in His Son, Jesus.
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