Unit 1: Choose Wisely
Session 1: Joshua Led the People (9/1/2024)
Session 2: Daniel Obeyed God’s Law (9/8/2024)
Session 3: Jesus Visited Mary and Martha (9/15/2024)
Session 4: The Rich Young Ruler (9/22/2024)
Session 5: Paul Taught Peter (9/29/2024)
Unit 2: God Does Amazing Things
Session 1: Moses and the Burning Bush (10/6/2024)
Session 2: Gideon and the Midianites (10/13/2024)
Session 3: Three Men and a Fiery Furnace (10/20/2024)
Session 4: Elijah on Mount Carmel (10/27/2024)
Unit 3: In the Beginning
Session 1: Creation from Nothing (11/3/2024)
Session 2: The Garden of Eden (11/10/2024)
Session 3: Sin and Consequences (11/17/2024)
Session 4: Saved from the Flood (11/17/2024)
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