Help us create the studies you want!
We want to involve you! I would like to personally invite you to join our Scope & Sequence Strategy Team.
Every few years, the Bible Studies for Life team gets together on a day-long retreat to pray, enjoy fellowship, and plan out the next cycle of studies. This year, we would love for you to be heard in this process.
We need your opinions! We have compiled a short survey of topics that we feel are relevant for study over the next few years, and we’d like to know what you think. This survey and your comments will help shape where Bible Studies for Life takes each study over the next several years.
I remember the first time I was part of the scope and sequence meeting for Bible Studies for Life. I had been in my role as the brand manager for mere weeks, maybe even days, and I barely knew the team. We all piled into a damp cinderblock church basement that somehow had both incredible WiFi in spots and also terrible in others. I did a good deal of observing that day. I would interject a question or two here and there to have the team explain the process. We had a great discussion that day. We made a lot of changes that day. We prayed a lot that day.
What we have seen since that cold, wet day is the Lord blessing the work we put in. The team has worked incredibly hard to make sure Bible Studies for Life follows an intentional discipleship strategy, the standard of excellence is met in each study, and that each study has been thoughtfully prayed over, in hopes that each week, all of the churches utilizing Bible Studies for Life will be impacted.
We have seen God work in miraculous ways! Now, over 2 million people are studying God’s Word each week through Bible Studies for Life. We have received notes of encouragement on how God is working within congregations, in individual lives, and across entire communities. We have heard of life change throughout the country. We have talked with churches that are seasoned disciplers and some that are in the beginning stages. We have even come alongside ministries by offering weekly training to help get the most of each study (now as a podcast!).
We are so grateful for you and are excited about involving you, your team, and your ministry in this process. If you’re interested in joining us, please click here to sign up.
If you’d like to send us a note to tell us how Bible Studies for Life has impacted you, your church, or your community, send a quick email to [email protected].
Thank you so much for prayerfully considering helping us in the process of planning studies that we pray will change many lives.
Mary ann Milano says
Yes I am please