Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Little, Big and In-between
Materials: boxes of different sizes and shapes
Guide the kids to line the boxes from smallest to largest. Then stack them up from largest to smallest. Explain that just like the boxes were all different shapes and sizes, churches can be found in all different sizes and shapes. The important thing is that the church gathers to worship the Lord. Tell the kids they will hear about how Paul helped a church learn how to worship together.
Live It Out
Game – Gotcha!
Materials: dry erase board and marker or poster board and marker
Write the Weekly Verse on the board or write it on poster board to display in the room. Read it aloud three times with kids. Tell kids you will say the verse out loud and they should tell you if you got it right or not. Purposely misquote part of the verse—obviously at first. For example, consider saying this version of the verse: “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of my mother, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same cars and same trains. 1 Corinthians 1:10” See if kids can correct you with the right version of the verse then try again, making the changes more and more subtle as time goes on. Show kids how they can learn what God says in the Bible, and when they do that, they can to do what it says.
Craft – Friendship Bracelets
Materials: yarn, scissors, beads
Help kids cut out a piece of yarn that will fit each child as a bracelet. Show them how to tie a large knot at the bottom of the bracelet so that the beads will not fall off, then encourage them to create a pattern with the beads. When they’re finished, kids can help one another tie the bracelets onto themselves. Tell kids to let these bracelets be reminders that we are all part of the church, and God wants people in the church to love one another and learn how to live as God wants them to live.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Stationary, Stationery Delivery
Materials: one piece of paper
Explain to the kids that stationary with an a means to stay still and not move. Stationery with an e is a sheet of paper. Have the kids spread out around the room but still be close enough to touch fingers. Give one child the sheet of paper and tell them a letter that needs to be delivered to the other side of the room. The kids should pass the letter without moving from the place where they are standing. Explain that Paul sent a letter to the church at Corinth to help his friends there know how to get along and serve the Lord. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10 and lead the kids to repeat the verse with you.
Live It Out
Game – Verse Toss
Materials: small ball, white board and marker or poster board and marker, timer (optional)
Write the Weekly Verse on the board or post it in the room. Read it aloud three times with kids. Take the verse down and toss a ball to one child. Have her say the first word of the verse before tossing the ball to someone else, who then says the next word, and so on. If the person with the ball has trouble remembering the next word, allow him to ask a friend for help. Continue until you complete the verse. If the ball is dropped, start over again. Consider timing how long it takes to finish the verse, then see if the group can beat its time. Use this game to show kids how they can learn what God says in the Bible, and when they do that, they can to do what it says.
Craft – Handprint Poster
Materials: white poster board, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, cup with water, marker, wet wipes
In the middle of a large poster board, write the words, Let there be no divisions among you. Allow kids to create groups of two or three, pick out paint colors, and help one another paint one of their hands. Kids can come up to the poster and put their hand down to create handprints all around the words. Encourage kids let part of their handprint touch part of another child’s handprint so that they’re all connected. After kids finish, they can use the wet wipes to clean their hands. Keep the poster in your group space as a reminder that we are all part of the church, and God wants people in the church to worship together. Worshiping God affects the way people live and respond to one another.
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