Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Sheep Counting
Materials: paper, pencils
Give every child a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell the children you will give them three minutes to draw as many sheep as possible on their paper. Afterward, have your children count how many sheep they drew. The child with the most sheep is the winner! Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it. Remind your children that even though everyone has wandered like sheep away from Jesus, He gave His life for them so they can be saved.
Live It Out
Game – Sheep Memory Review
Materials: sheep pictures, pen, scissors, envelopes
Before class, find a simple picture of a sheep online. Print off enough copies for one sheep per word of the Weekly Verse. Cut out each sheep and write one word of the Weekly Verse on each sheep, including the reference. Create two sets and put each set in an envelope. In class, form two equal groups with your children and hand each group an envelope. Instruct the teams to put the words in order and tell them that the first group to finish wins! Once both teams finish, have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
Craft – Fluffy Sheep
Materials: construction paper, cotton balls, glue, markers
Give each child a handful of cotton balls and the rest of the supplies. Instruct the children to glue the cotton balls to their paper in a large circle in the middle of the paper. Next, have them draw a sheep head on the right side of the cotton balls and four legs underneath the cotton balls. Afterward, instruct them to write the Weekly Verse on their paper. Have all the children say the Weekly Verse together when everyone has finished.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – On the Path
Materials: masking tape
Before class, create a path to follow throughout your room by putting down masking tape. As your children arrive, form groups of two. Tell the groups that one child will walk on the tape, but they are not allowed to step off of the tape. If they step off the tape, they must return to the path’s beginning. However, their partner can walk alongside them and help steady them to keep them on the path. Once everyone makes it through the course, have the children switch places and have all the groups go back through the course. Afterward, tell the children that just as their partner helped them through the course, Jesus came to help them find salvation. Write the Life Point on the board and have everyone read it together.
Live It Out
Game – Review Challenge
Materials: no materials needed
Form two teams from your children. Tell them you will read them review questions from this lesson or the previous lessons in this unit. The team that makes a sheep noise (“baaaa”) first and answers correctly will get the point. The team with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner!
Craft – Jesus Cleans Me
Materials: bars of soap, paper, crayons, tape, scissors
Hand out the materials to your children. Instruct them to cut a strip of paper that equals the width of the soap. Next, have them wrap the paper around the soap, covering it except for the two ends. Tell them to use tape to secure the paper. Tell them to write Jesus Cleans Me from Sin on the front of the soap. Instruct them to write the Life Point on the back of the soap. Afterward, tell them to decorate the rest of the paper however they want. Have all the children say the Life Point together when everyone is finished.
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