Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – 10 Commandments Motions
Materials: no materials needed
Go over the 10 Commandments with your children. For each Commandment, ask a child to devise a hand motion to depict that Commandment. Have each volunteer stand in front of the class in a line to lead their classmates in the motions as you go through the list each time.
Live It Out
Game – Knock Down the Commandments
Materials: self-adhesive name tags, marker, plastic cups, bean bag
Before class, write down each Commandment on one name tag. Take each name tag and stick it to a cup that is upside down. During class, form the kids into two teams. Place the 10 cups on a table on one side of the room. Place the teams 10 feet away from the cups. Tell the teams you will instruct each child to knock down a specific Commandment by throwing a bean bag. The team that knocks down the most correct Commandments is the winner! Tell your children that God gave the 10 Commandments to help people be holy. Have everyone read the Life Point together.
Craft – Stop Light with God
Materials: construction paper (black, red, yellow, green), scissors, glue
Give each child the materials for the craft. Instruct each child to cut a large circle out of the red, yellow, and green construction paper. On the green circle, tell them to write, GO FOLLOW GOD’S DIRECTIONS. On the yellow circle, instruct them to write, WAIT ON GOD FOR HELP. On the red circle, have them write, STOP AND DON’T SIN. Next, have them glue their circles onto the black construction paper to look like a stoplight (green on top, yellow in the middle, and red on the bottom). Explain to your children that when they follow God’s directions, they have the green light to keep doing what He commands. When tempted to sin, they must slow down and ask God to help them. When they choose to sin, they must stop as quickly as possible and tell God they’re sorry for doing wrong.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Rank the Commandments
Materials: paper, pencils
Hand each child a piece of paper and a pencil, and write the 10 Commandments on the board. Instruct them to write the commandments in the order they think is most important. Afterward, allow several children to share their lists and why they put them in that particular order. Tell your children that God considers all of these Commandments to be important and expects everyone to follow His ways.
Live It Out
Game – Honor Your Parents
Materials: paper, pencils
Form three groups with your children. Tell the kids that one of the 10 Commandments is “honor your father and mother.” Instruct the groups to write down all the ways they can honor their parents in three minutes. The group with the most items wins. Allow each group to share several items from their list. Encourage your children to honor their parents using these ideas this week.
Craft – Rock Commandments
Materials: large flat rocks, chalk
Give each child a rock and a piece of chalk. Write the 10 Commandments on the board. Tell your children to think about the commandments and decide which one they would like to focus on so they can grow closer to the Lord. Instruct them to write 2-3 words on their rock representing that commandment. Give children the opportunity to share why they picked a particular commandment. Encourage them to place the rock in a prominent place in their house to remind them of their desire to grow in that area.
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