Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Follow Me
Materials: no materials needed
Ask for a volunteer to stand before the class and lead the activity. The Leader will do a series of movements and/or noises, and the children will follow her example and copy her. The activity is more fun if the Leader chooses a theme for her round. Possible themes can be vehicles, animals, moods, or superheroes. During the game, the Leader can yell, “stop.” Anyone who does not immediately stop is out. Be sure to allow several children to be the Leader. Afterward, discuss how everyone who followed the Leader didn’t get the motions right. Sin is when people don’t follow God’s directions on how to live. Say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Opposite Game
Materials: no materials needed
Gather your children in the middle of your room and inform them that you will give a series of instructions. Tell them that they are to follow your instructions as closely as possible. After you go through those instructions, tell your children that you will give them the exact same set of instructions, but this time you want them to do the opposite of what you directed. After the second round of instructions, help your children understand that disobedience leads to chaos. When Adam and Eve disobeyed, it led to chaos throughout our world. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Possible instructions to use:
Walk to your chair
Whisper your favorite candy to your neighbor
Sit on the floor
Read your Bible
Craft –Paper Chain Snake
Materials: construction paper, scissors, glue, tape, wiggle eyes, markers
Hand out construction paper, scissors, and tape to all the kids. Instruct them to cut their paper into strips and then cut them in half. Tell them to roll one strip into a circle and tape it together. Instruct them to thread the next strip through the first circle and tape it together. Allow them to make their snake as long as they would like. On the first circle, tell your children to glue two wiggle eyes on the top and draw a triangle for a tongue below the eyes. Encourage kids to print the Weekly Verse on the links of their snake. Afterward, have the kids say the Life Point and remind them that the serpent wanted Adam and Eve to disobey God.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Blind Plate Drawings
Materials: Paper plates, pencils
Give each child a paper plate and pencil. Instruct them to place the paper plate on top of their heads. Tell them you will give them step-by-step instructions on how to draw an object on their plate. After they draw the object, have them show the class their drawing. Point out to your children how no one could get their picture right. Explain how God has told us how to live, but no one has ever been able to follow all of His instructions, which is called sin. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone read it together.
Possible objects for children to draw: Christmas tree, house, car, cat
Live It Out
Game – Table Tennis Ball Toss
Materials: table tennis ball, plastic cup
Take your children to a long hallway or large open space. Line up the kids in one spot and place the cup 30-40 feet away. Give each child a chance to throw the table tennis ball into the cup. After everyone has had a chance, read the Weekly Verse to them. Help your children understand that just as they all fell short in getting the ball into the cup, everyone has fallen short in being perfect like God.
Craft – The Bitten Apple
Materials: white paper, construction paper (red, green, brown), markers, scissors, glue
Distribute the materials to the kids. On white paper, instruct them to draw an apple with a bite taken out of it. Ensure they draw a leaf and a stem on top, as well. Instruct them to cut enough small pieces of red, green, and brown paper to glue inside their drawing. After gluing the paper to their picture, instruct them to write the Weekly Verse underneath their drawing.
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