Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Find That Verse
Materials: Bibles, paper, marker
Print Bible references on paper, one reference per page. Choose
verse familiar to your kids, Bible verses from past Sunday School sessions, or
verses that tell people to do something. Possible references: Jeremiah 33:3; Ezekiel
37:27; John 3:16; John 13:34; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:32; James 5:16;
Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:3; Psalm 100:2. (Make at least 10 reference pages.)
Provide Bibles for each child or pair of kids. Show one of the Bible references
and challenge the boys and girls to find the verse. After a few minutes, ask
one of the kids to read the verse. Show another verse for kids to find. Repeat
until you have found most or all of the references. Tell kids that the Bible
helps people know what to do and how to live. Tell kids they will learn more
about the Bible and its message.
Live It Out
Game—Stack the Statue
Materials: cardboard tubes, marker
Using five cardboard tubes, draw parts of the statue from
Daniel 2; draw one part on each tube (head, chest/arms, stomach/thighs, legs,
feet). Make a set for each team.
Group the kids into teams. Alternate asking review questions to the teams.
After a team answers a question correctly, a player can take a piece of the
statue and stand/stack it on a table or the floor. (Stack from the bottom up.)
If pieces fall, the player must remove all fallen pieces from the statue
stacking area; these will need to be restacked after answering other questions.
The first team to stack the statue wins. (To make the game easier, cut slits in
the tops or bottoms of the tubes to allow linking the pieces.) Talk about the
Life Point.
Craft—Story Tower
Materials: index cards, markers, scissors
Give each child several index cards. Guide each child to print the story title on a card. Kids can print facts about the story or draw pictures related to the story on other cards. Help the child cut two slits in the title card, from the bottom up. Then she can slide a card into each slit (perpendicular to the first card) and stand up the cards. She can cut slits in those two cards and slide in other cards to make a story tower. Talk about the story and the Life Point.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—Listen Up!
No materials needed.
Tell kids they will play a listening game. First you will call out an action and they will do it. Then you will call a twist for them to do. These are the twists: fast—perform the action as fast as possible; slow—perform the action in slow motion; reverse—perform the action backward; pause—freeze for count of 5 and then restart the action. Call a motion for kids to do; motion can be simple (shake hands; sway back and forth) or complex (pretend to be an elephant walking through a deep river). After everyone begins the movement, call one of the twists. After a minute or so, call a new action. Repeat several times. Tell the kids that they were doing what you asked them to do. Today they will think about what the Bible tells people to do.
Live It Out
Game—Backward Soccer
Materials: two cube tissue boxes; 4 chairs; tape
Reinforce the boxes with tape. Use 2 chairs to make a goal at either end of the game area.
Group the kids into two teams and assign goals to the teams.
Tell kids they will play backward soccer with square balls. Each team will have
a “ball” (box) to try and kick into the goal. They will try to keep the other
team from kicking the ball into their goal. All players must move backward and
kick the ball with their heels instead of their toes.
Line the teams in the middle of the game area with the balls. Start the game.
When a team scores a goal, stop play. Ask that team a review question. Award 1
point for the goal; award 2 additional points for a correct answer to the
question. Move to the middle of the game area after each goal and start play
again. Talk about the Bible story and the Life Point.
Craft—Bible Cover
Materials: Large construction paper (12 by 18 inches), scissors, pencils, crayons, colorful tape
Give a kid a piece of construction paper. He can lay the paper on a table and center his open Bible in the middle of the paper. Help him carefully trace around the outside of his Bible with a pencil (or draw pencil lines just a fraction outside the edges of the Bible). Remove the Bible. Fold the top and bottom of the paper on the pencil lines. (If the Bible is small, use a small size of paper or trim around the pencil lines to leave about 2-3 inches extending past the lines.) Fold each side on the pencil lines. Slide the Bible front cover into the pocket created on the left side by the folded paper. Slide the back cover in the other pocket. Tape the inside flaps down if needed. Decorate the cover with crayons or tape. Talk about the Life Point.
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