Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – What Jesus Said, What Jesus Did
Materials: Bibles, 2 colors of self-stick notes, markers
Guide kids to think about things Jesus said and things He did. Indicate that one color of notes is for things Jesus said and the other is for things He did. Direct kids to write down things they remember on the notes and post them on the wall. Group each color of notes together. Encourage kids to look through the Gospels in the Bibles if they need ideas of what to write. Review what was written. Tell kids that they will hear that the Bibles tells that Jesus is the Savior.
Live It Out
Game – Good News Review
Materials: review questions
Form two teams with the kids and line each team up on opposite sides of the room. Instruct the children to turn their backs to the other team. Explain that you will ask a review question from today’s session (or a previous session), and the first person to turn around, yell “Good News!” and answer the question correctly will receive a point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner! Afterward, explain that Jesus came to become our Savior.
Craft – Synagogue Scroll
Materials: legal size paper, twine, markers, scissors
Give each child a piece of legal-sized paper and ensure they have access to the other supplies. Tell the children to turn their paper sideways and to write the words of Luke 4:18-19 on their page. Direct them to decorate the rest of the page with images that match the passage. Cut short pieces of twine and give them to the kids. Instruct them to roll the two sides of the paper until they meet in the middle, creating a scroll, and use the twine to tie the scroll together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Weekly Verse Pantomime
Materials: no materials needed
Write the Weekly Verse on the board. Form several groups with the kids. Tell them to devise a way to communicate the Weekly Verse only using body movements. Give the groups enough time to determine their plan, and then allow each group to show their pantomimes to the class.
Live It Out
Game – Scripture Reading Relay
Materials: Bibles
Form two teams with the kids. Instruct each team to sit in their chairs in a circle. Give each team a Bible, and tell them to open it to Luke 4:18-19. Tell the teams they will read the two verses, each child reading one word at a time. After each child reads a word, they will pass the Bible to the next person to read the next word. Tell them to keep passing the Bible until both verses have been read. The team that finishes first is the winner! Tell the kids these two verses refer to Jesus. Say the Life Point together.
Craft – The Savior Has Come!
Materials: white card stock, markers, decorative items like stickers, glue, and glitter, Bibles
Give each child a piece of white card stock and ensure they have access to the other supplies. Tell them to imagine they are creating a poster to announce that the savior has arrived to put in a local Synagogue in Jesus’ time. Instruct them to use Luke 4:18-19 as inspiration for what they should communicate through their poster. Direct them to write the Life Point at the bottom of their poster. Afterward, allow several volunteers to share their posters with the rest of the class.
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