Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Pass the Bible
Materials: Bible
Guide the chirldren to sit in a circle. Give one child the Bible. Guide the kids to pass the Bible around the circle to the right until you say stop. Read the Weekly Verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, to the kids. Repeat the passing of the Bible and reading the verse several times. Have them pass the Bible slowly or quickly and change from right to left. As you close the game, say: “The Bible helps people know more about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.”
Live It Out
Game – Sink or Float
Materials: tub with a couple of inches of water; several items, some that will sink and some that will float; large towel
Place the tub on top of a towel on a table. Pick one item at a time and ask the kids if they think it will sink or float. Allow a different child to place each item in the water. Talk with the kids about which items sank and which ones floated. Explain that John baptized people, including Jesus, in the Jordan River. Say the Weekly Verse with them. Remind the kids that the Bible helps people learn about salvation through Jesus.
Craft – Bible Verse Poster
Materials: paper, pencils, markers, gel pens, dot painters, and other art materials as desired
Write out the Weekly Verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, on a large sheet of paper or a white board. Give each child a sheet of paper. Provide the writing utensils and other materials for decoration. Read the verse to the kids. Guide them to copy the verse on their papers. Explain that they can have fun with how the verse looks using different materials to write and decorate the verse. As the kids work, say the Life Point: “The Bible is God’s message of salvation to people.”
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Draw and Guess
Materials: white board (or large paper), marker
Tell kids that you are going to draw a picture of a Bible story. Draw a picture to represent the story a story familiar to the kids, such as “Miriam and Baby Moses,” “The Birth of Jesus,” and so forth. Use simple stick figures or other simple line drawings. Allow kids to guess as you draw. When the correct story is guessed, choose a volunteer to draw another Bible story for the group to guess. (You may want to list different Bible stories on index cards to prompt ideas.) Tell kids that they will learn about an important reason they should read and learn from the Bible.
Live It Out
Game – Bibles, Bibles, Bibles
Materials: several Bibles of different size, color, and type (kids’ Bible, pocket New Testament, different translations, etc.) (If possible, have a Bible for each child.)
Before class collect enough different types of Bibles for each child to hold one. Guide the kids to sit in in a circle and give each child a Bible. Play music and have the kids pass the Bibles to their right until the music stops. Ask the kids to tell you how the Bibles are alike and different. Play the music and guide the kids to pass the Bibles to their left until the music stops. Ask the kids to tell you something about the Bible they are holding. Explain that each Bible may look different but they all have the same message and purpose. Guide the kids to find 2 Timothy 3:16 in their Bibles. Read verse from several Bibles of different translations. Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Bible Cover
Materials: large construction paper (12-by-18 inches), scissors, pencils, markers or crayons, colorful tape
Give each kid a piece of construction paper. He can lay the paper on a table and center his open Bible in the middle of the paper. Help him carefully trace around the outside of his Bible with a pencil (or draw pencil lines just a fraction outside the edges of the Bible). Remove the Bible. Fold the top and bottom of the paper on the pencil lines. (If the Bible is small, use a small size of paper or trim around the pencil lines to leave about 2-3 inches extending past the lines.) Fold each side on the pencil lines. Slide the Bible front cover into the pocket created on the left side by the folded paper. Slide the back cover in the other pocket. Tape the inside flaps down if needed. Remove the Bible and decorate the cover with crayons, markers, or tape. Talk about the Life Point as the kids work.
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