Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Copy Me
Materials: no materials needed
Stand in front of your students. Tell them you will do a series of actions that they must copy in the exact order. If someone doesn’t match your actions, then they must sit out. Increase the number of actions after each round. Allow children to volunteer to lead the activity after you lead it the first time. Afterwards, tell your children that in today’s Bible Story, God gives Abraham directions and expects him to follow those directions.
Live It Out
Game – Do This, Do That
Materials: no materials needed
Form your class into two teams. Instruct the teams to send one contestant at a time to compete against each other. You will begin every command by either saying “do this” or “do that.” After saying one of those phrases, you will do an action. If you begin by saying “do this,” they must repeat your action. If you begin by saying “do that,” they must stand still and not copy you. Allow the two contestants to compete until one messes up. When that happens, the other team gets a point. Keep having two contestants compete until everyone has had a chance to participate. The team with the most points wins! Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together and remind them that God expects obedience when He tells us what to do.
Craft – Obedience Breakfast
Materials: paper plates, 12-by-18-inch paper, colored pencils or crayons, glue, plastic spoons
Hand out a paper plate, a paper, and a plastic spoon to every child. Instruct them to write the Life Point around the edge of the paper plate and then decorate the center of the plate like their favorite breakfast cereal. Next, instruct them to decorate the paper like a tablecloth. Then, tell them to glue the plate and plastic spoon to the paper. Tell your children that just like they eat breakfast every day, they should also begin their day by praying and asking God to help them obey His directions.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Silent Simon Says
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your students that they are going to play Simon Says without any talking. Instead of saying “Simon Says” at the beginning of an action, you will make a physical gesture to represent that phrase. (For example, you could touch the top of your head and then your mouth.) Then you will make another gesture or motion that everyone must copy. If you do not make the Simon Says gesture, but someone still copies your movement then they are out. Allow kids to volunteer to lead the game after you lead a round. Afterwards, tell your children that in today’s Bible Story, God gives Abraham directions and expects him to follow those directions.
Live It Out
Game – Riverbank
Materials: rope or tape
Using rope or tape, mark out an area in your room that will be a river. Instruct your kids to stand outside of the river. Tell them you will give them two different instructions. You will either say: “In the river,” or “On the bank.” The kids must do the opposite. For example, if you say, “in the river,” they must jump onto the riverbank. If a child doesn’t do the opposite, then they are out! Explain to your children that sometimes people are tempted to do the opposite of what God commands them to do. Ask your children why they are sometimes tempted to do the wrong thing. Lead everyone in saying the Weekly Verse together.
Craft – Prohibited
Materials: paper, colored pencils or crayons
Give every student a piece of paper. Instruct them to write the Life Point at the top of the page. Ask: “What are different commands God gives us in the Bible?” Give children time to answer and write their answers on the board. Next, instruct them to choose one of God’s commands and write it on their paper. Below the command they chose, tell them to write one word to represent why they would be tempted NOT to obey God’s command. Instruct them to draw the Prohibited symbol (red circle with line through the middle) over that word. Encourage them to display this sheet at home, so they will be challenged to not allow that one thing to keep them from obeying God.
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