Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Know Your Assignment
Materials: Lego® bricks, jump rope, cups
Line up your kids on one side of the room. In three different areas of the room, place these items on the floor: pile of Lego® bricks; jump rope; stack of cups. Tell kids you will instruct each of them how many bricks they should stack, how many jumps they should complete, and how many cups they should stack in a pyramid. (For example, you may tell the first child to stack eight bricks, jump rope 10 times, and stack 7 cups. For the second child, you may instruct them to stack 15 bricks, jump rope 5 times, and stack 10 cups.) Be sure to encourage your class to cheer on each child as they complete their assignment. After everyone has completed the assignment, help them understand that God gives everyone different directions, and it is our job to obey His directions. Tell kids that God gave Noah instructions, and Noah obeyed the instructions because He knew God was in control of everything.
Live It Out
Game – Evaporating Verse
Materials: no materials needed
Say the entire Weekly verse with your class. Repeat the verse but omit a word and give kids the opportunity to fill in the appropriate word. Continue to repeat the verse, but keep omitting different words until the kids can say all or most of the verse on their own. Discuss the Bible Story and remind your kids that no one can do what God can do.
Craft – Fingerprint Animals
Materials: jumbo craft sticks, washable ink pads, colored pencils or crayons, construction paper, glue
Give each child a piece of construction paper and jumbo craft sticks. Instruct them to glue their craft sticks to the paper in the shape of an ark. (Should take about 7 craft sticks.) Next, allow kids to use a fingerprint pad and place multiple fingerprints on their page. Instruct them to draw and color animals based upon their fingerprints. As they are making their craft, remind them of the Bible Story and how God had everything under His control.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Blind Line
Materials: blindfolds
Line children up in groups of five, and place blindfolds on the first four students. Instruct them to place their hands on the shoulders of the kid in front of them. Their objective is to retrieve an object on the other side of the room by navigating around objects in the room. The child in the back is the only one who can see or talk. The rest of the team must follow her instructions. After the team retrieves the item, allow another child to lead the team from the back. Tell your students that God often sees things that we cannot, so we need to follow His instructions, no matter what.
(Alternative – Tell the child in the back of the line they cannot talk. They can only communicate directions through tapping the child in front of them on the shoulder, who must relay the message through tapping the next child on the shoulder, and so on.)
Live It Out
Game – Guess the Blank
Materials: white board, dry erase marker
Write blanks on the board that match this week’s Life Point. Form two teams of students. Tell kids that the two teams will alternate guessing a letter to fill in the blanks. After every successful guess, a team may try to solve the puzzle. If the team guesses incorrectly, then the other team gets to guess a letter. The first team to solve the puzzle wins! Tell your students that since God is in control of all things, we can trust Him when He gives us instructions, even if they’re hard.
Craft – Only God
Materials: paper, colored pencils or crayons
Give each child paper and colored pencils. Instruct them to write the Weekly Verse at the top of the page. Instruct them to draw and color everything they can think of that only God can do. (Possible examples include: sunsets, animals, rain, planets, etc.) At the bottom of the page, instruct them to write why no one else is like God.
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