Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—Gotcha!
Write the Weekly Verse on the board and read it aloud with kids three times. Erase it and say the verse incorrectly. Ask if kids can determine what part of the verse you said wrong. Tell kids that in this lesson, they will hear that Jesus taught people should trust Him.
(Examples of how to say the verse incorrectly:
Seek first the kingdom of Jesus and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33
Seek first the household of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33
Seek first the kingdom of God and his love, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the things you want will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33)
Live It Out
Game—Race the Clock Review
Materials: Review questions, stopwatch or timer
Set a stopwatch to two minutes. Ask the kids the first review question and say “Go.” Anyone in the group can answer the question as quickly as possible. If the child answers correctly, ask the next question and so on. If a child answers incorrectly, countdown five seconds in which time no one is allowed to answer the question. Then ask the question again. Repeat until someone can answer the question correctly. Play the game until the group can get through every question!
Craft—Don’t “Bee” Anxious
Materials: Yellow and black construction paper, wiggle eyes, white paper, glue, small cardboard tubes, scissors, black markers, black chenille stems (cut in half)
Show kids how to cut the yellow paper to wrap around the cardboard tube. They can cut black strips for stripes, two white wings, and chenille stems for antennas. Show them how to assemble their bee. Wrap the tube with the yellow paper and glue, wrap stripes around, glue wings to the back, and glue antennas made from chenille stems to the front inside of the top of the bee. Finish with wiggle eyes at the top of the bee. Finally, down the yellow stripes write the phrase:
Do Not
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Decode the Verse
Materials: Paper, writing utensils, 2-3 cell phones
Write the Bible memory verse on a piece of paper using only the numbers that correspond to the letters on a phone keypad. The code is below! (This code follows the CSB version of the verse.) Create two to three groups. Write the phone keypad on a board in the front of the room or hand out cell phones with the keypad pulled up for kids to use to decode the verse. See who can be the group to decode the verse and write it down on paper.
Code: 7335 34778 843 5464366 63 463 263 447 7444836876377, 263 255 84373 844647 9455 23 76684333 368 968.
Live It Out
Game—Review Tic-Tac-Toe
Materials: List of questions, masking tape, ten small bean bags in two different colors
Use masking tape to create a tic-tac-toe board pattern on the floor. Create two teams of kids. Ask review questions, alternating between the teams. When someone answers a question correctly, she can throw a bean bag onto the tic-tac-toe board. Each team tries to be the first to get a line of three completed. Continue play until each team has a chance to win the game.
Craft—Clay Bee
Materials: Yellow and black clay that can be baked, paper plates
Before class, be sure to read the instructions for the clay you are using for this project. Implement those instructions as you lead this craft. Hand out two small balls of clay to each person, one yellow and one black. Encourage kids to mold bumble bees out of the clay. One way they can do this is to create the specific body parts and then put them together. Those body parts might include a small yellow head, larger yellow body, black stripes, black wings, tiny black antenna, and tiny black circles for eyes. Kids can get creative! Place the bees on paper plates and write the instructions for baking based on the clay you are using on that plate so that kids can take it home. Tell kids these bees should serve as a reminder that Jesus said, “do not ‘bee’ anxious.” Jesus taught that people should trust God!
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