Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Line Walking Race
Materials: masking tape
Before class, place two long lines of tape on the floor that stretch the length of your room. Form two teams with your kids. Tell your kids they will walk the length of the tape, one at a time. If they step off the tape, then they must start over. Each child must wait until the child in front of them walks the length of tape before they start. The team that finishes first is the winner! Tell your kids that in today’s Bible Story, they hear that Jesus walked across the water. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Live It Out
Game – Water Balloon Splat
Materials: water balloons, sidewalk chalk
Before class, create enough water balloons so that you can give one to each of your kids. Take your kids outside to the sidewalk and give them each one water balloon. Instruct them to throw their water balloon into the air and so it will burst on the sidewalk. Next, give them each a piece of sidewalk chalk and tell them to outline their balloon’s splat on the ground. Allow your kids time to look at everyone’s “splat,” and as you’re going back to the room, remind your kids of this week’s Life Point.
Craft – Walking on Water Windsock
Materials: construction paper, ribbon, colored pencils or crayons, glue, scissors
Hand out the supplies to your kids. Instruct them to place the construction paper horizontally on the table and write the Weekly Verse in large letters on the middle of the paper. Next, tell them to decorate the entire piece of paper. After decorating, instruct them to loop the ends together and glue them, forming a cylinder. Tell them to cut another piece of construction paper into small strips. Have them take one strip and glue it on two sides of the top of the circular paper to form a handle. Next, have them glue the other strips hanging down from the bottom of the circular paper. Instruct them to cut the ribbon into different lengths and then glue them with the strips of construction paper, creating a windsock. Explain to your kids that no matter how hard the wind blows, Jesus has complete power and authority over everything in their lives. Have everyone repeat the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Sink or Float
Materials: various items of your choosing
Before class, choose various items from your house to place in water. Fill up a large, clear container with water. Before you drop each item into the water, ask your kids if they think the item will sink or float. Allow a couple of kids to explain why they think it will sink or float. Afterwards, explain to your kids that they will hear in the Bible Story that Jesus walked on water, even though he should have sunk into the water. Write the Life Point on the board and have everyone say it together.
Live It Out
Game – Only Jesus
Materials: paper, pencils, Bibles
Form 3-4 equal teams with your kids. Ensure that every team has at least one Bible. Tell your kids they have five minutes to search the Gospels and write down everything that Jesus did that only He could do. Afterwards, give each groups an opportunity to share a portion of their lists, and the group that develops the longest list wins. Ask your kids what our response should be to Jesus because of who He is. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it together.
Craft – Jesus Walking on the Water
Materials: blue, red, green construction paper, scissors, jumbo craft sticks, glue, markers
Give every child one piece of blue, red, and green construction paper. Instruct them to turn the blue paper sideways and draw waves the length of the paper and then cut them out. They will place the green paper on the table horizontally and glue the waves to the bottom of the paper. On the red paper, tell them to draw a large triangle, a smaller triangle, and a skinny rectangle and cut out the shapes. Tell them to glue the large triangle upside down on the water, as this will be the bottom of the boat. Next, instruct them to glue the rectangle above the large triangle, as it will be the mast of a boat. Next, tell them to glue the smaller triangle at the top of the rectangle (with the flat side facing down), and this will be the sail of the boat. If they would like, they can draw some men in the boat. Across from the boat, cut a small slit in the waves. Give each child a jumbo craft stick and markers and instruct them to draw Jesus on the stick. Lastly, instruct them to insert the craft sick into the slit from behind the paper, so they can move Jesus across the water. Have everyone say the Life Point together and remind your kids that nothing is impossible for Jesus.
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