Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Do You Believe It?
Materials: paper, marker
Before class, make two signs, one that says I BELIEVE IT! and another that says I DON’T BELIEVE IT! Tape the first sign on one side of your room and the second on the other. In class, tell your children that you will read them a series of statements, and they will show whether they believe your statement by walking to one side of the room or the other. Allow children to share why they believe your statement or not. Afterward, tell your children that Thomas struggled to believe that Jesus was alive, but once he saw Jesus, he believed. Possible statements to use:
Chocolate milk comes from brown cows. (false)
Hawaiian pizza was created in Canada. (true)
Bananas are curved because they grow toward the sun. (true)
A strawberry is a berry. (false)
The London Bridge is in Arizona. (true)
Live It Out
Game – How Many Questions Can You Ask?
Materials: no materials needed
Thomas had questions when he heard Jesus had risen from the dead. Tell your children they can ask as many questions about the Bible story as possible, but you will not answer them. You just want to see how many questions they can ask. Be sure to count them! Afterward, explain that it is ok to have questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Encourage them never to be afraid to ask questions.
Possible questions your children can ask:
Why didn’t Thomas believe?
What was Jesus wearing when He met Thomas?
How big was the room they met in?
Why was Thomas’ nickname “Twin”?
Craft – Glasses of Faith
Materials: construction paper, tape, markers, scissors, chenille stems, hole punch
Hand out the supplies to your children. Instruct them to draw and cut out two large circles on their construction paper. Using tape, tell them to attach the two circles using a small piece of construction paper. Instruct the children to write the Weekly Verse on the two circles and decorate the circles around the verse. Next, tell them to make a hole on the outside of the two circles and attach one chenille stem on each side, making a pair of glasses. Remind your children that Thomas had to see to believe, but blessed are people who believe Jesus is alive without seeing Him!
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Two Truths and a Lie
Materials: no materials needed
Form several equal-sized groups with your children. Tell your children they will tell their group three statements about themselves – two factual statements and one that is untrue. The other group members will declare, “I doubt that,” for the statement they do not believe is true. Once everyone guesses, the child will tell them which statement is false. Allow each child in the group to share their statements. Afterward, tell the children that the disciples told Thomas that Jesus was alive, but he doubted what they said was true.
Live It Out
Game – Twenty Questions
Materials: large paper sack, various items
Place an item in the paper sack. Tell the children they can ask 20 questions to guess what is in the bag. The questions must produce a “yes” or “no” answer. After the children guess the item or ask all twenty questions, place another item in the sack and repeat the process. Afterward, tell your children that because Thomas couldn’t see Jesus, he doubted whether He was really alive.
Craft – Doubting Signs
Materials: cardstock, paint stir sticks, stapler, markers
Give each child one piece of cardstock, a stir stick, and markers. Have them draw two large, equal circles on their cardstock and cut them out. On one circle, instruct the children to write THINGS I DOUBT ABOUT GOD, and then tell them to write down anything they doubt about God. On the other circle, instruct them to write JESUS SAID, “BECAUSE YOU HAVE SEEN ME, YOU HAVE BELIEVED. BLESS ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN AND YET BELIEVE.” JOHN 20:29. Put the circles back-to-back and slip the stir stick between them. Glue the circles to the stick, and then staple them together along the outside of the circles. Encourage your children to use their signs to remind them to believe in Jesus whenever they have a doubt about Him.
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