Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Don’t Be Afraid
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your children you are going to read out common things kids are afraid of, and you want them to raise their hands if they are scared of it. Allow volunteers to share why they fear those things if they want to share. Tell your children that today they will learn about how Jesus was crucified and how He also rose again. Because He defeated sin and death, they have no reason to be afraid!
Possible fears for you to name: dark, heights, big dogs, crime, getting sick, something in their closet/under their bed
Live It Out
Game – Resurrection Sprints
Materials: masking tape, stopwatch
Take your children to a long hallway or large area. Make a starting line and finish line with the tape. Tell your children they will sprint to the finish line to see who can run the fastest. After everyone has had the chance to run, tell them that when it was discovered that Jesus was risen, the people ran as fast as they could to tell others. Read the Weekly Verse aloud and remind them that Jesus died on the cross to defeated sin and death for them.
Craft – Chalk Cross
Materials: bowl, water, chalk, painter’s tape, thick paper
Before class, soak chalk in water. During class, hand out the supplies to your children. Instruct them to make a cross using the painter’s tape. Next, have them decorate their page using the wet chalk. The wet chalk should produce a different texture than your children are used to. Allow the chalk and paper to dry. Once the paper is dry, peel the tape off slowly. Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Why Jesus Came
Materials: slips of paper, pencils
Give each of your children a slip of paper and a pencil as they arrive. Instruct them to write down one sin that kids typically commit. Once everyone is done writing, ask them to hand you their slips of paper. Read each response out loud, and ask, “Would Jesus forgive someone who did this?” At the end, encourage your children that Jesus came to give everyone the opportunity to be saved, and there is nothing they could do that Jesus would not forgive. Read the Weekly Verse to your children.
Live It Out
Game – Review Challenge
Materials: bell
Form two teams with your children. Explain that you will ask review questions from today’s lesson. Each team will send one child to you, with a bell between them. The first child to hit the bell and answer the question correctly gets the point. If the first child answers the question incorrectly, then the other child can answer and win the point. The team with the most points at the end is the winner!
Craft – Jesus Covers Our Sins
Materials: small wooden crosses, pen, red washable paint, paintbrushes
Hand out the materials to each of the children. Instruct them to write on the cross sins they struggle with. Next, have them cover their cross with red paint, making their sins disappear. Read the Life Point with your children, and tell them that Jesus’ blood covers their sins when they repent and tell God they’re sorry for doing the wrong thing.
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