Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Coin Slide
Materials: tape, coins, pen
Create a 4 x 4 grid at one end of a table. Above each square in the grid, write a letter of the alphabet. Guide kids to stand at the other end of the table. Kids can take turns sliding coins onto the grid. When a child lands a coin in a square, call out the letter for that square. Challenge the kid to name something about Jesus that begins with that letter. Continue until all kids slide coins and name words about Jesus. Tell kids that they will hear a story that happened after Jesus’ resurrection.
Live It Out
Game – Partner Switch
Materials: none
Tell kids to move around the room. Say: “Freeze!” Kids should freeze in place. Read a review question. Say: “Think!” Wait a few seconds. Say: “Tell!” Kids should find a partner and tell the partner the answer to the question. Choose a pair to tell the answer to the group. Say: “Move!” and kids move around the room again. Keep playing the game to review the Bible story. Say the Life Point together.
Craft – Dotted Picture
Materials: paper, ink pads, unsharpened pencils with erasers
Guide kids to press the erasers on the pencils onto the ink pad and make dots on paper. Lead each child to spell the word ALIVE on his paper with dots. Tell kids they can add other dots and designs around the word. As kids work, talk about the Bible story and the Life Point. Say the Weekly Verse together.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Communicate a Message
Materials: messages printed on paper: Good morning; Happy Easter; God loves you; I am happy to see you; Sit over there; I am hungry. (Use whatever messages are pertinent to your group of kids.)
Group kids into groups of two or three. Give each group one of the messages. Tell groups to think of a way to communicate a message without saying it. After a few minutes, lead each group to try to communicate its message to the rest of the kids. After all groups have communicated their messages, tell kids that they will hear about Jesus continuing to share God’s message after His resurrection.
Live It Out
Game – Bible Search
Materials: Bibles, paper, pencils
On each paper, write one of the following references: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:1; Psalm 22:16; Proverbs 30:4; Daniel 9:25. Form kids into six groups. Give each group a paper, Bible, and pencil. Tell the kids to work together to find the verse in the Bible, read it together, and discuss how it references Jesus. After about ten minutes, ask each group to give a report—read their verse and explain how the reference is about Jesus. After all the groups have finished, say the Life Point together.
Craft – Road to Emmaus Maze
Materials: paper, pencils
Guide the kids to draw their own maze for Jesus and the other men to move through on their way to Emmaus. The kids can exchange mazes with a friend and find their way through the maze. Explain to the kids that Jesus traveled with the two men to the town of Emmaus and along the way they talked about many of the things the Bible taught about Jesus. Read the Weekly Verse, Isaiah 53:5.
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