Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Walk like an Animal
Materials: none
Guide the kids to walk around the room. Call out different animals and have the kids walk like that animal. They might hop like a rabbit or take large steps like a giraffe. Have them walk like a donkey. Explain that Jesus rope into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. Read Zachariah 9:9 and explain that many years before Jesus was born God told Zachariah this would happen.
Live It Out
Game – Question, Verse, Life Point
Materials: beach ball (letters Q, V, LP written on the ball several times each)
Guide kids to stand in a circle or group. Toss the ball back and forth between the kids. Say, “Stop!” The child holding the ball looks at his hand and tells the letter that is closest to his right thumb. If his thumb is near Q, ask him a review question. If his thumb is near V, he can say the Weekly Verse with a friend. If his thumb is near LP, he can say the Life Point.
Craft – Palm Leaves
Materials: green construction paper, markers, scissors, hole punches, lengths of green yarn
Guide kids to cut out palm leaf shapes from construction paper. They can print the words of the Life Point on the middle of their leaves. Show them how to punch holes around the sides of their leaves and lace yarn in the holes. Talk about the Bible story. Tell kids to hang their palm leaves in their rooms to remember to Jesus is God’s promised Messiah and Savior.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – “Jesus Is Lord” Parade
Materials: streamers, rhythm instruments, etc.
Line the kids up single file and let them have a Jesus is Lord parade. They can wave and play the instruments and say things like: “Jesus is Lord” and “Jesus loves you.” Talk with the kids about when Jesus came into town it was like a parade. The people were happy see Jesus and shouted out praise to his name.
Live It Out
Game – Mystery Points
Materials: 20 squares of paper (red, yellow, blue, green) in a bag
Group the kids into two or more teams. Show the paper squares. Tell kids that each color is worth a different amount of points and you will tell them the amounts at the end of the game. Ask each team a review question. If the team answers correctly, they can draw a square of paper. Continue until each team has been asked at least 3 questions. Ask teams to lay their squares on a table. Award 1 point for every red square, 2 points for a blue square, 5 points for a yellow square, and 10 points for a green square. Total points to see who the winner is. Play again but change the point values. Remind the kids that Jesus is God’s promised Messiah and Savior.
Craft – Jesus Acrostic
Materials: paper, markers
Guide the kids to write letters that spell Jesus down their page. For each letter they should write down a word that describes Jesus. Some suggestions might include: J – Joyful, E – Eternal, S – Savior, U – Unique, S – Special. Say, we can praise Jesus because He is God’s promised Messiah and Savior.
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