Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Evident Outlines
Materials: large pieces of brown paper, assortment of plastic items with distinctive shapes (items that will not be damaged by getting wet), spray bottles with water
Spread pieces of brown paper on the floor. Form groups of kids for each piece of paper. Lead kids to gather a few items and arrange on their paper. Then they can spray the water over the items. Tell them to remove the items to leave an outline where the object was. Tell groups to go to the other pieces of paper and try to guess what objects that group used. Show kids how the items created evidence that they were there even though you couldn’t see them anymore. Explain that when Jesus was on earth, He showed evidence of who He is: Messiah and Savior! One way He did this was by performing miracles.
Live It Out
Game— Review Bowling
Materials: 6 plastic two-liter bottles, 6 foam balls, masking tape
Set up a bowling area with masking tape and plastic two-liter bottles. Use masking tape to create the borders of the bowling lane. Set up 3 plastic bottles at the back of each lane in a triangle formation then create two teams. Give each team 3 balls. Line up teams behind the front of their lanes and stand in between the first two players. Use the review questions to quiz the kids on today’s Bible story by asking the first question and allowing the players to whisper their answer into your ear. Anyone who gets the answer correct gets to bowl! If one team answers incorrectly, they miss out on a chance to bowl. Play as many rounds as you have kids, repeating questions if necessary (Tip: if you need to repeat questions, make sure you don’t say the correct answers aloud until the end). The team who knocks down the most pins over the course of the game wins! Go over all the correct answers at the end.
Craft—Create Ten Lepers
Materials: ten craft sticks per child, markers, rubber bands
Give each child ten craft sticks and allow them to draw faces on the top of both sides of their sticks. On the bottom part of the stick which represents the body, tell kids to draw dots up and down the stick. This side will represent the men who had leprosy. Leave the other side clean. The finished product should be a healthy stick person on one side and a leprous stick person on the other. Help kids understand that Jesus made the lepers completely clean. These can kids remember that Jesus did miracles because He is God’s Son.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—Important Questions
Materials: no materials needed
When kids arrive, gather them together and ask the following questions that will introduce today’s Bible story.
• What is a super power you have seen in a movie or read in a book that is impossible for people?
• Why do you think people are so fascinated with someone who can do the impossible?
• Have you ever wished there were someone around who had super powers to make something happen?
• Jesus wasn’t a superhero, but He did perform miracles. Do you know why He could perform miracles (Because He is God.)
Live It Out
Game—Pass the Pen Relay
Materials: white board, dry erase markers
Group the kids into two teams. Tell teams to stand in single file lines. Practice saying the Weekly Verse together several times. Give a marker to the first player on each team. On your signal, the first players run to the board, write the first word of the verse, and run back to teams to hand off the marker. The next players run to write the next word, and so on. If a player needs help, the team can tell him the next word. (To increase the difficulty, place a Bible by the board. Kids must look up the verse to find the next word if they do not remember it.) After teams complete the verse, talk about the Bible story. Erase the board, mix the teams, and play again.
Craft—Rock Reminders
Materials: smooth rocks, acrylic paints, paintbrushes
Talk about the Bible story together. Say the Life Point. Give each kid a rock. Tell them to paint the rock and transform it into something beautiful. Remind them that Jesus performed a miracle by making the men with lepers completely new. They were healed and able to go into the world again because Jesus had taken their sickness away. He did what only God can do.
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