Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—Stop and Go
Materials: no materials needed
Line kids up on one side of your space. Pick one volunteer to stand on the opposite side of the space. That volunteer should face away from the others and say, “Go.” Kids can start moving toward her. When she says “Stop,” she should turn around and everyone else should freeze. If she catches a kid moving, he goes back to the beginning of the line. After playing for several minutes, tell the kids that today they will hear a story about Jesus telling His disciples to Go!
Live It Out
Game—Move to Answer
Materials: One large YES sign and one large NO sign
Tape the two signs on opposite sides of the room. Guide kids to stand in the middle of the room or play area. Ask a yes/no review question about the Bible story. Tell kids to move to the answer they choose. Call on the group with the largest representation to answer. They should answer, “Yes and ___” telling one more thing about the story. Or they should answer, “No because ____” correcting the statement. Pray and ask God to help each kid and adult to tell people that Jesus is God’s Son.
Craft—Story Triptych
Materials: heavyweight paper, markers, wide tape
Provide three pieces of paper for each child. (Cut the paper in half and give each child three halves.) Say: “Jesus is God’s Son. We can help people know that Jesus is God’s Son.” Guide kids to draw pictures about Jesus. They can draw three scenes from today’s Bible story. Or they can draw three different stories about Jesus. Talk about things Jesus did that show He is God’s Son. When a child completes all three pictures, help him lay his three pictures side by side, with sides touching. Help him cut a length of tape and use the tape to connect two of his pictures along the side. He can add the third picture. If desired, flip over the triptych and tape again on the back to reinforce the connection. Tell the child to fold on the tape and stand up his triptych. Suggest kids give the triptychs to someone who needs to know more about Jesus or stand in the triptych in their homes.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Where Am I?
Materials: index cards, tape, permanent marker
Print the names of different countries on separate index cards. As each kid arrives, tape a card with a country on his back. Each kid can ask the others yes or no questions about what country is on his back. When everyone has guessed her country, tell kids that today they will hear a story about Jesus telling His followers to go into the world.
Live It Out
Game—Up and Down Review
Materials: sticky notes, pencil
Print these point values on the backs of self-stick notes (fronts will be blank): +1 (make several notes); +2 (make several notes); +4 (make 1-2 notes); +5 (make one note); -1 (make several notes); -3 (make several notes). Stick the notes on a wall or white board.
Group the kids into two teams. Alternate asking the teams review questions about the Bible story. When a team answers correctly, a member of the team takes a note (without looking at the back first). Designate a place for each team to place their points notes. After all review questions are asked, add and subtract to total the points for each team. Mix and return the notes to the wall to play the game again. (Note: Winning team could be the one with the lesser number of points. If so, add at least one larger number of points to subtract.)
Craft—Appearing Messages
Materials: white construction paper, white crayons, watercolor paints and brushes, cups of water
Give each kid a piece of paper. Guide kids to write messages on the paper with white crayons. They could write the Life Point, the Weekly Verse, or another message about Jesus. Lead kids to paint over their messages with watercolors. The messages will appear on the paper. Talk about the importance of telling others the good news about Jesus. Tell kids to hang their messages in a place at home to remember that Jesus is God’s Son and that they should tell others about Him.
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