Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Welcome!
Materials: noise makers
As kids arrive, greet them excitedly, as if they are arriving at a party. Be overly energetic by welcoming them to class, giving them a high five (or handshake or hug), and handing them a noise maker. After greeting each child, instruct them to join you in excitedly greeting the next children that arrive, so that a group forms to greet each child. Your kids will follow your lead so do your best to be extra excited as you greet each child. After most of your children have arrived, ask them how it felt to be greeted by people who were very excited to see them. Say that they are going to learn today about how Jesus is glad to spend time with everyone, including little kids.
Live It Out
Game – Mix it Up
Materials: paper, envelopes, marker
Before class, write out the Weekly Verse on a sheet of paper, including the reference. Next, cut out each word separately and place all the words in an envelope. (Do this three times.) During class, write the Weekly Verse on the board, and form three groups of kids. Go over the Weekly Verse with your students several times, and then erase the Weekly Verse on the board. Hand each group an envelope and instruct them to pull out the words and put the Weekly Verse in order. The first team to put the words in the correct order and read the verse out loud is the winner! Tell kids that Jesus loves them so much that He wants to spend time with them every day.
Craft – Jesus Loves Me
Materials: paper, crayons or colored pencils
Instruct kids to draw and color a picture of themselves with Jesus on their piece of paper. At the top of the picture, instruct them to write Jesus Loves Me. At the bottom of the picture, instruct them to write the Life Point. Encourage each of them to take his picture home and place it in a prominent spot so he will be reminded that Jesus cares for him.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – What Do Kids Do Best?
Materials: no materials needed
Explain to your kids that sometimes children are perceived as not being able to do much because they are young. Ask: “What are the things that kids do best?” Write their answers on the board, and, if applicable, have your kids act out their answers. Tell kids that today they are going to learn that Jesus thought kids did one thing much better than adults – trusting God with complete faith.
Live It Out
Game – Snow Block
Materials: indoor snowballs, baskets, red construction paper, marker
Before class, make four red squares out of construction paper and write Block on each. During class, go over the Weekly Verse with your class several times, and then form two teams of children. Place two baskets on one side of the room with each team lining up on the other side of the room across from the baskets. Team 1’s player will say the first word of the Weekly Verse and then Team 2’s player will say the second word. They will keep alternating until someone misses the correct word. When that happens, the other player gets to shoot a snowball at their basket. The next two kids in line will then compete. Each team is given two “Block” squares. They can be submitted at any point in the game when the other team is shooting their snowball. If submitted, the opposing team can place a blocker six feet in front of the basket to try and block the shot. Remind kids that just like the disciples tried to keep the children from Jesus, there are many things that will attempt to block you from spending time with him.
Craft – Kids of the World
Materials: blue and green construction paper, scissors, glue, markers or pens
Give blue and green construction paper to each child. Instruct them to cut the blue paper into a circle and cut the green paper into shapes of North and South America. Instruct them to glue the green paper to the blue paper. Tell them to write today’s Life Point on the project. Next, instruct them to write the names of every kid they know around the Life Point. Remind them that Jesus loves every child, no matter how they look or where they live.
Becky Gray says
Since I only have 2 children in class, I decided to paint decorative rocks, I put words such as love, protect, care, teach, //to emphasize how important children are to Jesus,
Kimba Campbell says
I love this! Thank you for teaching children!