Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Wave Streamers
Materials: praise music, streamer rolls
Give each child a streamer. Play a praise song and encourage kids to wave their streamers to the music. When you stop the music, kids should freeze. If a kid doesn’t stop, she has to sit down for the next round of music. After all the kids have arrived and played for a few minutes, gather them together and ask them to recall what happened if they didn’t stop when the music stopped. Ask them if it was hard to stop quickly when they were dancing and why. Tell kids that they will hear about some young men that chose to follow God’s word, even though it was difficult.
Live It Out
Game—Catch the Teacher!
Materials: no materials needed
Repeat the Weekly Verse several times and instruct kids to pay close attention. Then repeat it again but change it a little bit. Either leave a word out, add a word, or say a different word. Kids should try to catch your mistakes and tell you what is correct. Do this several times and then repeat the verse together as a group. Afterward, gather kids and remind them that memorizing Scripture is a great way to remember God’s words and to follow them.
Craft— Spinner Art
Materials: paper, markers, old CDs, tape
Slide a marker through the center of a CD and secure it to the CD to make a spinner. (Make sure the lid of the marker can be removed and replaced.) Make several spinners for kids to use. You will also need some markers without the CD.
Lead kids to print the words of the Life Point on paper. Talk about what the Point means and how Daniel chose to follow Scripture even when it was difficult. After kids finish writing the verse, they can decorate with the spinners. Show them how to remove a marker lid, place the tip on their paper, and spin it to make designs.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—Letter Scramble
Materials: index cards, pencil
Print the letters O, B, E, Y, G, O, D, S, W, O, R, D onto index cards, one letter per card. Make a set for each team you expect. Form two or more teams of 3 or 4 kids each. Give each team a set of cards. When you say “Go,” the teams should work together to arrange the letters into the correct phrase. When a team has the phrase figured out, they should call out “Got it!” and wait for all teams to finish. Ask the kids to say the word together. Tell them today they will hear about following God’s word even when it’s difficult.
Live It Out
Game—Memorize it Quick!
Materials: dry erase board and eraser
Write the words and reference of Deuteronomy 6:18 on the board. Gather students in front of the verse and read the verse three to four times as a group. After reading, start the timer, erase a few random words, and recite the verse again. Continue erasing and reciting until the group can say the entire verse from memory. Stop the timer to see how quickly you were able to memorize the Bible verse. Afterward, gather kids and remind them that memorizing Scripture is a great way to remember God’s Word so we can follow it!
Craft— Shoelaces
Materials: shoelaces, thin-line permanent markers
Invite kids to decorate shoelaces with the markers. Talk about the Bible story as kids work. Lead kids to add words about the Life Point as a reminder that people can choose to follow God, even when they face difficulties. Talk with kids about making choices and remind them that they should think about the choices they are making and what God wants people to do. Comment that God will help people do the right thing and obey, even when things are difficult. Suggest kids place the shoelaces in their shoes to remind them to think about the choices they make wherever they go.
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