Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Know/Wonder Chart
Materials: large piece of paper or white board, markers
Make two columns on paper or a board. Print Know at the top of one column and Wonder at the top of the other column. Tell kids to write things they know about living for God and things they wonder about living for God on the chart in the appropriate columns. Review their ideas. Tell kids they will learn more about living like believers in Jesus.
Live It Out
Game – Relay Tic-Tac-Toe
Materials: tape, 3 red bandanas and 3 blue bandanas
Use tape to make a tic-tac-toe board at one end of the play area. Group the kids into two groups. Guide each group to stand in a line. Give the first player of each team one of the bandanas; each group is assigned a color. On your signal, the first players run to the tic-tac-toe board and place their bandanas in one of the spaces. They run back and tag the next players. Players two and three will run down and place the other two bandanas on the board. If neither team has three in a row, player four will run down and move one of the team bandanas to another space. Lead teams to continue to rearrange the bandanas (one player at a time) until a team has three in a row. Ask a review question for that team and award points (if you choose). Retrieve the bandanas and play the game again.
Variation: Answer questions first. A team answering the question correctly can place one of their bandanas.
Craft – Tape Bible Marker
Materials: wide transparent tape, scissors, paper or foam shapes
Help a child cut a length of tape, about 5 inches. Lay the tape with sticky side up on a table. Tell the child to arrange shapes on the tape to create designs. Talk about the Bible story and note that the Bible helps people know how to live like believers in Jesus. Help a child position another piece of tape over the first, sealing in the shapes. Trim away any sticky areas. Help a child mark today’s Bible verse in his Bible or tell him to place the marker in a Bible at home at Mark 16:15.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Draw and Guess
Materials: white board (or large paper), marker
Tell kids that you are going to draw a picture of a Bible story. Draw a picture to represent the story “Stephen Preached” (from session 3). Use simple stick figures or other simple line drawings. Allow kids to guess as you draw. When the correct story is guessed, choose a volunteer to draw another Bible story for the group to guess. (You may want to list different Bible stories on index cards to prompt ideas.) Tell kids that they will learn more about why people should read and learn from the Bible.
Live It Out
Game – Bible Search
Materials: Bibles
Help kids find today’s Bible story in their Bibles. Ask a review question and lead kids to look in the Bible passage to find the answer. Each kid should point in his Bible where the answer is located. No one can answer the question until everyone has found it in the Bible. Encourage kids to work together and assist one another as needed. Call on a volunteer to answer the question and read the verse where the answer is located. Ask another review question and start the search again. Remind kids that the people can help others know about Jesus and how to live for God.
Craft – Illustrated Bible Verse
Materials: paper, gel pens, colored pencils, specialty pens and paper
Lead kids to print the verse on paper. They can use fancy letters or embellishments as they print the verse. Suggest they add borders and other illustrations around the verse. Talk about the Bible story and help them think about people who help them know how to live as believers in Jesus. Talk about what kids have learned from the Bible. Say the Life Point. Encourage kids to post the verse where they will see it and remember God’s love.
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