Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—God’s Word is Great!
Materials: paper, markers
Give each child a piece of paper and markers. Instruct them to create a poster declaring the greatness of God’s Word. Tell them to include the Life Point somewhere on their poster. Encourage them to draw scenes or phrases from the Bible that would encourage someone to read it. Afterward, allow children to share their posters with the class. Tell your children that in today’s lesson, the people celebrated when they heard God’s Word.
Live It Out
Game—Weekly Verse Jumble
Materials: Weekly Verse printed on paper, scissors, envelopes
Before class, print off two copies of the Weekly Verse and cut it up so each word is on its own piece of paper. Place each set in an envelope. In class, form two teams with your children and give each team an envelope. Go over the Weekly Verse before you instruct them to open the envelopes. Tell them that the team that puts the Weekly Verse together in order the fastest will be the winner! Lead the kids to say the verse together.
Craft—Scripture Bookmark
Materials: construction paper, scissors, yarn, hole punch, decorative materials, markers
Hand out the materials to your children. Instruct them to cut out a rectangle the size of a bookmark. Tell them to write the Life Point on one side of the rectangle. Next, tell them to decorate their bookmark however they would like. Afterward, instruct them to punch a hole in the top of the bookmark and tie a piece of yarn through the hole. Encourage your children to place this bookmark in their Bible to remind them of the importance of reading God’s Word daily, which will help them know more about God.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—Draw and Guess
Materials: White board (or large paper), marker
Tell kids that you are going to draw a picture of a Bible story. Draw a picture to represent the story “Jesus Was Born.” You could draw a baby in a box (manger). Use simple stick figures or other simple line drawings. Allow kids to guess as you draw. When the correct story is guessed, choose a volunteer to draw another Bible story for the group to guess. (You may want to list different Bible stories on index cards to prompt ideas.) Tell kids that they will hear about learning about God from the Bible.
Live It Out
Game—Party Time!
Materials: food, paper products
Bring food as a surprise for your class. (Be sure to post an allergy alert.) After the lesson, hold a big party where everyone can eat and celebrate! Give each child the opportunity to tell everyone one thing God has done for them. Tell your children that the people in the lesson today celebrated because they had heard the word of the Lord.
Craft—Bible Reading Plan
Materials: white cardstock, markers, scissors
Give every child one piece of cardstock, markers, and scissors. Instruct them to turn their cardstock sideways and draw a line across the middle of the page. Instruct them to write the Weekly Verse on the top half of the page. On the bottom half of the paper, tell them to draw six vertical lines, creating seven equal-sized rectangles. In each rectangle, direct them to write a Bible reference and decorate each rectangle. Instruct them to cut the vertical lines. Explain that these Bible passages help people learn about God. Encourage the kids to tear off one scripture reference each day, and read that Bible passage.
Possible references to write in the rectangles:
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