Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity—Prophetic Poetry
Materials: paper, pencils
Hand out a piece of paper and a pencil to each child. Read Jeremiah’s prophecy to your children from Jeremiah 23:3-6. Instruct them to write a poem based on the prophecy. Allow volunteers to read their poems. Tell your children that in today’s lesson, Jeremiah’s prophecies were read to the king, and they will see how the king responded to his prophecies.
Live It Out
Game—Act It Out
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your children you will read the Bible story and need volunteers to act out what happens in the story. Assign roles to each volunteer and instruct them to act out their roles dramatically. Afterward, remind your children that the Bible was written by people inspired by God. Have everyone say the Life Point together.
Craft—Books of the Bible
Materials: craft sticks, plastic cups, markers
Give each child ten craft sticks, one marker, and one cup. Instruct them to write their name on the cup and the first ten books of the Bible on the craft sticks. Have them place their sticks in the cup and jumble them up. Afterward, tell them to pull their sticks out of the cup and put the books of the Bible in order. Be sure to give hints to help children who may need help remembering the order of the books. Encourage your children to challenge their parents to compete in putting the books in order after class. Have everyone say the Life Point together, and remind your children that God inspired every book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity—How Would You Respond?
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your kids you will read some of the prophet Jeremiah’s prophecies to them. After you read each one, allow them to share with you how each prophecy makes them feel and how they would respond to it. Tell them that in today’s Bible story, Jeremiah has his prophecies read to the king, and they will see how the king responds. Potential passages to read from:
Jeremiah 23:3-6
Jeremiah 25:11-12
Jeremiah 32:36-37
Live It Out
Game—Backward and Forward
Materials: small cards with the names of the books of the Bible
Before class, create two sets of cards where each card has a book of the Bible on it. (You can also use the Books of the Bible Cards from the Printables.) Place each set in an envelope. In class, form two teams with your children and give each team an envelope. Tell the teams to dump out the cards from their envelope, and they will have two minutes to put the books of the Bible in order. Afterward, instruct them to jumble up their cards and that they will have two minutes to put the books of the Bible in order backward. The team that gets the furthest each round is the winner! Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it together.
Craft—It’s All Greek to Me
Materials: paper, thin markers
Before class, search online for “2 Timothy 3:16 in Greek.” Print off one of the results to show your children. In class, give everyone a piece of paper and a marker. Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together. Next, instruct them to write 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 on the top of their page and then have them copy the translation of 2 Timothy 3:16 in Greek on their piece of paper. Tell them that the people who wrote Bible did not write in English. Say a prayer thanking God for the many people who translated God’s word into our language many years ago!
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