Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Follow the Leader
Materials: no materials needed
If possible, take your kids outside or to a large room. Line your kids in a straight line and explain they have to follow the child in the front and do whatever she does. Allow multiple kids to be the leader. Afterwards, tell your kids they will learn about a couple whom God considered righteous because they followed God’s directions. Read the Weekly Verse out loud and have your kids repeat it to you.
Live It Out
Game – Review Bowling
Materials: two child bowling sets, masking tape
Before class, create two bowling lanes with four strips of masking tape. Set up a set of bowling pins at the end of each lane. Create two teams with your kids. Tell them you will ask review questions from the last several weeks. Whichever team answers the question correctly gets to roll their bowling ball to knock down as many pins as possible. Keep a running tally of how many pins are knocked down each round. At the end of the activity, the team that has knocked over the most total pins is the winner!
Craft – Puppets of Obedience
Materials: lunch paper sacks, markers
Give each child a paper sack and markers. Instruct them to draw a happy face on one side of the paper sack and a sad face on the other side. On the happy face side, tell your kids to write the Weekly Verse on the bottom of the sack. After they have drawn their faces, instruct your kids to put the sacks over their hands like puppets. Tell your kids that you will read to them a scenario that could happen in their family. If the reaction in the scenario is a response that shows obedience to God, then they need to hold up their puppet with the smiley face facing you. If the reaction in the scenario is a response that show disobedience to God, then they need to hold up their puppet with the sad face facing you. Have everyone say the Weekly Verse together.
Possible scenarios: Julie’s brother called her a mean name, so Julie shoved him. Tommy’s mom had a lot of dishes to wash, so he helped her dry the dishes. Ruth noticed that everyone forgot to feed their dog, so she went and got him some food. John’s mom told him to clean his room, so he took everything on his floor and shoved it under his bed. Mary’s dad asked her to sweep the garage, so she immediately stopped playing her video game and did it.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Silent Chat
Materials: paper, pencils
Group your kids into pairs. Give each pair a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell your kids they will have a conversation with their partner, but they must write down their entire conversation. Give your kids several minutes to have their conversations, and at the end, ask them what they talked about. Tell your kids that Zechariah didn’t believe Gabriel that he and his wife would have a baby, so God made it impossible for Zechariah to talk. He was unable to talk until his son, John, was born.
Live It Out
Game – Acting Out God’s Word
Materials: paper, pencil, large cup
Before class, write out family scenarios on slips of paper. Cut out each scenario and place it in a large cup. Form your kids into groups of two or three. Each group will draw out a slip of paper. Instruct your kids to develop a small skit about the scenario they picked and show the characters obeying God’s word. After every group has the opportunity to act out their skits, have everyone say the Life Point together. Encourage your kids to always decide to obey God’s directions, no matter what happens in their family.
Possible scenarios: Mom finds her necklace that you accidentally broke. Your progress report shows a 50 on a test and your dad has to sign the form. Your brother spilled his cup of juice all over the floor. Your brother and sister are fighting over the volume of the music in the living room.
Craft – Drawing by Directions
Materials: paper, crayons or colored pencils
Hand out the supplies to each child. Tell your kids that you will give them step-by-step directions on how to draw a simple picture. If they follow your instructions, they should be able to tell you what the picture is when you’re finished. If they didn’t follow the directions, then their page may look like a mess. Afterwards, help them understand that when they follow God’s directions, good things are produced. However, when they disobey God’s directions, it can lead to chaos. Have everyone write the Weekly Verse on the bottom of their page.
Possible pictures to draw: house, boat, butterfly, smiley face
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