Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Quiet Line
Materials: no materials needed
Tell your kids they will line up based upon personal characteristics, but they cannot talk while doing so. Afterwards, point out how they had to work together to accomplish the goal. Tell them that God wants families to work together, no matter how hard a circumstance is. Families show they love each other by helping each other. Have everyone read the Weekly Verse together.
Possible characteristics to use: Height, first letter of first name, birth month, first letter of last name
Live It Out
Game – Marshmallow Tower
Materials: large marshmallows, toothpicks
Form several equal teams with your kids. Hand each team a pack of marshmallows and toothpicks. Tell them they are to work together to build a tower, and the team that builds the tallest tower in five minutes is the winner. Afterwards, ask about the challenges the kids faced while building their towers. Remind them how Moses’ family had to work together to protect him. Point out that being patient and working together helped them all build towers, regardless of the height. Write the Life Point on the board and remind your kids that God wants them to patiently help their family members no matter the challenge or obstacle.
Craft – Floating Cupcake Moses
Materials: cupcake liners, construction paper, markers, glue
Hand out the materials to your kids. Instruct them to turn their construction paper horizontally and draw a river across the paper. Next, tell them to draw grass and animals along the river and then color their picture. Instruct them to draw a little baby inside of the cupcake liner and color him. Lastly, have them glue the cupcake case to the river on their paper. Discuss the Weekly Verse with your kids and help them understand that Moses’ family did everything they could to help him because they loved him deeply.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – Human Knot
Materials: no materials are needed
Form three equal teams with your kids. Instruct each team to form a circle and to reach out their hands. Every child should grab the hands of two different kids in the group, right hands holding right hands and left hands holding left hands. They cannot hold the hands of the kids immediately to their left or right. Tell your kids they are to untangle their knot without letting go of each other’s hands. If you want to make the activity harder, form two teams or have your entire class work together as one team. Afterwards, have everyone read the Life Point together and explain they will learn about a family who works together so they can protect their baby.
Live It Out
Game – The Lean Walk
Materials: masking tape
Place one strip of masking tape on one side of the room to create a starting line. Place another strip of masking tape on the other side of the room to create a finish line. Form your kids into groups of two. Each pair must walk across the room while leaning against each other, back to back. The pair that can cross the room the fastest while leaning against each other will be the winner! Write the Weekly Verse on the board and have everyone say it together. Explain that family members must lean upon each other during difficult times, and God wants us to help our family, no matter the situation.
Craft – Helping Your Family
Materials: construction paper, crayons or colored pencilsHand out the supplies to each child. Instruct them to draw and color each member of their family. Underneath each picture, tell them to write down two ways they can help each specific family member. At the bottom of the page, instruct them to write the Weekly Verse. Encourage your kids to place this picture in their room so they can be reminded to help their family members this week.
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