Grades 1-3
Introductory Activity – Pin the Question
Materials: poster board, marker, stickers, tape
Write these questions on poster board:
How does it make you feel knowing God created the world?
What do you think God’s plan was for creation?
Do you wish we could still walk with God here on earth today? Why?
If you could have given any animal a name, what would it have been? Why?
Attach the poster on a wall. Invite a child to close her eyes and give her a sticker. Spin her around a few times and guide her to place the sticker on the poster board before opening her eyes. Lead her to answer the question her sticker landed closest to. Create more questions based on the previous session that lead into this one. Tell kids they will hear about what happened to God’s creation.
Live It Out
Game – Beanbag Toss
Materials: beanbags, one for each pair of kids
Create pairs of kids in your group and line them up, each pair facing one another. Kids should toss the beanbag then take one step back. If a beanbag drops, kids have to come back to one another. Play until one team makes it to the far ends of your play space or as long as time allows. Tell kids that in this game, there was only one rule: don’t drop the beanbag. When God created the world, he made one rule: don’t eat from the tree. But people broke that one rule. God created people to have a relationship with Him, but we sinned. Thankfully, God had a plan to restore His relationship with people all along.
Craft – Make a Mirror
Materials: square pieces of cardboard, reflective foil tape, markers, stickers
Provide each kid with a square piece of cardboard. Show the kids how to use strips of reflective foil tape to make a mirror surface on the cardboard. Be sure to leave about an inch on all sides, similar to a mirror. Kids can then spend time decorating the boarder of the mirror with markers, stickers, or other craft supplies you have on hand. Remind kids that God made people in His image, but this doesn’t mean we are exactly like God. We reflect some of His attributes. Although people sin, we still reflect God’s image.
Grades 4-6
Introductory Activity – True and False
Materials: none
Explain that you will make several true and false statements. If kids think a statement is true, they should give a thumbs-up. If they think a statement is false, they should give a thumbs-down. Use the examples below, use the review questions, or create your own questions.
Light was created on the first day. (true)
Animals were made in God’s image. (false)
The sun and dry land were created on the same day. (false)
God gave Adam a helper named Eve. (true)
God gave Adam and Eve children on the same day he created them. (false)
God created the world and then destroyed it when people sinned. (false)
Live It Out
Game – Simon Says
Materials: none
Play a game of Simon Says with kids! Appoint one kid to be “Simon” and stand at the front of the room to give random commands. When “Simon Says,” kids should follow directions. When the kid just gives a command, kids should not follow directions. Remind kids that when God created the world, He gave Adam and Even one rule, but they choose to listen to someone else’s voice instead of God’s. Thankfully, God had a different way for us to have relationship with Him all along.
Craft – Make People
Materials: chenille stems
Give each child several chenille stems to practice making people. Kids can make a big person with several chenille stems, twisting and attaching them together, or they can make several people using one chenille stem a piece. Tell kids they can take the chenille stems home to play with them or to simply be a reminder that God made them. Say the Weekly Verse with the kids. Remind them that when God created people, He made us in His image. We can’t make anything in our own image like He did, but we can seek to know Him more to reflect His character even better.
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