Grades 1–3
Introductory Activity—Crown Toss
Materials: paper plates, scissors or craft knife
Cut a line through the middle of a
paper plate; start about an inch from the edge and stop an inch from the other
edge. Cut four lines across the middle of the plate to create wedges in the
center of the plate. Push the wedges up from the back and fold them up to make
a crown. Make enough crowns for every two kids.
Group the kids into pairs. Tell the kids of each pair to stand facing one
another about a foot apart. Lead one child to toss the crown onto the head of
his partner. If the crown stays on the partner’s head, the child takes one step
backward. Then the partner tosses the crown onto the other’s head. Continue
tossing and stepping back. If crown doesn’t stay on the head, no steps are
taken. After a few rounds, change partners and repeat (as time allows). Tell
kids that they will learn about King David today.
Live It Out
Materials: elastic wristbands or rubber bands, chairs (one less than number of kids)
Give each child an elastic band. Place chairs in a circle and ask all kids to sit in a chair. The remaining child should stand in the middle of the circle. Ask kids to place the elastic band on one wrist and hold that hand in the air. The child in the middle should say right or left. All kids holding up the called hand should stand and move to another chair; the child in the center also moves to a chair. The child left without a chair can answer a review question or repeat the Life Point. Allow kids to change their bands to the other wrist or keep them where they are and then raise their hands again. The child in the middle calls right or left to continue the game.
Craft—Heart Card
Materials; heavyweight paper (cut 4 by 5 inches), different colors of decorative tape or thin colored masking tape, scissors, gel pens
Give a child two pieces of paper. Help him cut a heart in the middle of one of the cards. Then help him stack the two pieces of paper together and trace the heart cutout onto the second piece of paper. Set the cutout card aside and use tape to cover the drawn heart. After the heart is covered, the child can tape the cutout back on top of the taped design. (The cutout heart will show the taped design.) Print the Life Point under the heart. Talk about the Bible story and the Life Point. Say that God loves His people and will help them in difficult times.
Grades 4–6
Introductory Activity—Don’t Lose the Kings
Materials: decks of cards
Pull the four kings from the deck of cards. Lay the kings face up on a table. Lay the other cards, face down, to cover the kings. Lead the kids to take turns blowing the cards off the table to show the kings. They should not blow the kings from the table. (Set up several stations with cards at each station to involve more kids at a time.) Say that today kids will hear a story about King David.
Live It Out
Game—Helper Catch
Materials: foam balls
Group kids into teams of three. Tell each team that one person will be the catcher and stand between the other two players. However the catcher cannot move his arms himself. The two other team members must raise and lower the catcher’s arms to catch the ball. Tell two teams to face one another and toss the ball back and forth. After teams practice, tell them that for every catch, their team gets one of the words of the Life Point. Lead kids to play until at least one team makes enough catches to have all the words of the Life Point. Talk about the Bible story.
Craft—Bible Verse Reminders
Materials: cardboard, construction paper, gel pens, thin-line markers, scissors and decorative scissors, chenille craft stems, tape, glue, water-based sealer, paintbrushes, cups
Cut pieces of cardboard to about 6 inches square. Lead a preteen to cut a piece of construction paper to fit a piece of cardboard and glue the construction paper to the cardboard. She can tape a chenille stem to the back of the cardboard for a hanger. She can cut a different color of construction paper to about 5 inches and write the Bible Verse on it. She can trim around the verse with decorative scissors and draw other designs. She can glue the verse on top of the other piece of construction paper. As kids work, talk about the Bible story and Life Point. Provide cups of sealer and paintbrushes for kids to cover the project entirely. Tell kids to hang their verses in their homes to remind them that God will help His people.
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